Press Reach
Press Releases 101
Published in
7 min readNov 3, 2022


Timing is everything when releasing a press release. If you send it out at the wrong time, you can miss your target audience and end up with little to no response. However, if you send it out at the right time, you can see a surge in traffic and engagement.

This article will discuss the best time to release a press release based on what we have tested and know works.

Why It’s Important To Send Your Press Releases at the Right Time

Sending your press release at the right time is essential because it can make a big difference in how successful it is. If you send it out at the wrong time, you might miss your target audience or get little to no response. However, if you send it out at the right time, you can see a surge in traffic and engagement.

When you send your press releases at the right time, you are more likely to get media coverage, generate leads, and drive traffic to your website. So if you want your press release to be successful, make sure you send it out at the right time!

What is the “Best Time” to Release a Press Release?

The best time to release a press release can vary depending on your industry, target audience, and even the type of press release you’re sending out. However, we have found that certain times work better than others.

For example, if you’re targeting working professionals, the best time to release a press release is during the weekdays. This is because people are more likely to be at work and online during the weekdays.

If you’re targeting stay-at-home parents, the best time to release a press release is during the daytime on weekends. This is because people are more likely to be at home and online during the day on weekends.

The best time to release a press release can also vary depending on the release you’re sending. For example, if you’re sending out a press release about an upcoming event, the best time to release it is a few weeks before the event so that people have time to plan.

If you’re sending out a press release about a new product, the best time to release it is when the product is available for purchase. This way, people can buy the product right away if they’re interested.

As you can see, there are a lot of factors that go into deciding what the best time to release a press release is. Generally, the best time to release a press release is during the weekdays or a few weeks before an event.

Sending Press Releases During Holidays and Weekends

It’s generally not a good idea to send press releases during holidays or weekends. This is because most people are not working and are not online during these times. If you absolutely must send a press release during these times, make sure it’s about something that will be of interest to people during their time off from work.

For example, if you’re sending a press release about a new product, make sure the product is available for purchase during the holiday or weekend. This way, people can buy the product immediately if they’re interested.

If you’re sending a press release about an upcoming event, ensure the event is happening during the holiday or weekend. This way, people will have something to do during their time off from work.

Black Friday sale, Fourth of July barbecue, and Christmas giveaway are examples of exceptions you could make for sending a press release during a holiday or weekend. A press release about black Friday sales is likely to generate more interest because people are already looking for deals during this time. The same goes for Christmas. People are already searching for things to do during these holidays, so a press release about an event or sale is more likely to be successful.

What is the “Best Weekday” to Release a Press Release?

The best weekday to release a press release is typically Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. This is because people are more likely to be online and at work during the weekdays.

According to results of various studies carried out using A/B testing, it was revealed that releases sent out on Tuesdays and Thursdays tend to generate more traffic than those sent out on Mondays and Fridays. The highest rate of open email rate by journalists and reporters in one study was 27%, while that of Tuesday was 19%. This result and many more justify why sending a press release on Thursday is more advisable.

What is the best time of day to release a press release?

The best time of day to release a press release is typically in the morning. This is because people are more likely to be online and at work in the morning. It is also known to be when most reporters and journalists check their email.

You stand a better chance when you send your press release between 10 am and 2 pm. A report shows that the open rate increases by 45% between 10 am and 2 pm but decreases by 15% after lunch. This might be because people are more likely to be busy after lunch and may not have time to check their email.

The period before lunch is the ideal time to send a press release because it gives reporters and journalists time to read it before they start their day. You should also avoid sending it in the evening because most people are already off work and may not see it until the next day.

The Time zone also matters when you are sending a press release. If your target audience is in a different time zone, make sure to send the release at a convenient time. For example, if you’re targeting people in the Eastern Time Zone, send the release at 11 am EST.

When Should You Consider Releasing Your Next Press Release?

Like most people, you probably think there’s never a wrong time to release a press release. However, that’s not always the case. In fact, timing is everything when it comes to releasing a press release. If you want your press release to have the maximum impact, you need to consider when you release it.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when you’re trying to decide when to release your next press release:

  • The news cycle — If you want your press release to get as much attention as possible, you need to make sure that it’s released during the slowest news cycle. That means avoiding releasing your press release during major holidays or during the middle of the summer.
  • Your audience — You also need to ensure that you’re releasing your press release when your target audience is most likely to be paying attention. For example, if you’re trying to reach working professionals, you’ll want to avoid releasing your press release on a Friday afternoon.
  • Embargo — Finally, you need to ensure that you’re not releasing your press release too early or too late. If you release it too early, the news will be old by the time it’s published. If you release it too late, people will have already moved on to the next story.

When should you not send a press release?

Weekends and holidays should be avoided when sending out a press release. These periods are when people are less likely to be online or working, which means they’re also less likely to see your press release.

Afternoons are also generally not a good time to send a press release because people are more likely to be busy after lunch. Finally, you should avoid sending your press release in the evening because most people are already off work and may not see it until the next day.

It helps to send a press release at a specific time. For instance, 9:47 am instead of sending them instead of hourly or half-hourly (let’s say 9: 00 am or 10:00 am). Different studies show that ending a press release at a specific time increases the CTR rate. In other words, emails delivered at a particular time have a higher click-through rate (CTR) than emails delivered precisely on time; this could boost traffic to your website.

How often should you release a press release?

There’s no magic number when it comes to releasing press releases. However, most experts recommend that you release them regularly. If you’re just starting out, you might want to consider releasing a press release once a month.

As you become more experienced, you can increase the frequency to once a week or even multiple times per week. Remember, the key is to find a schedule that works for you and stick to it. The more consistent you are, the more likely you are to see results.

Should you release your press release before or after an event?

If you have an upcoming event, you might be wondering if you should release your press release before or after the event. There’s no right or wrong answer here. It really depends on what you’re trying to achieve.

If you want to generate excitement for your event, releasing a press release beforehand can be a great way to do it. On the other hand, if you want to use your event as a way to generate media coverage, releasing a press release afterward can be more effective.

Conclusion: Best Times To Send A Press Release

If you want to get the most out of your press releases, it’s important to send them at the right time. And we hope our list of the best dates and times has given you some ideas on when to schedule your next release. Keep in mind that these are general guidelines — always do your own research to see what works best for your specific industry and audience.

Featured Image- Megapixl © angelocordeschi

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