Emergency Meeting on the Palestinian Situation: what’s at stake

Marco Spera
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2018

Russia Today

The UNSC called up an emergency meeting regarding the increase of animosity between Israelis and Palestinians. This disagreement, already historical, has escalated after Donald Trump, the president of the United States, has decided to move the US Embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem, officially an international city.

80,000 indonesians protest in Jakarta against Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel. Source: Darren Whiteside (Reuters).

This decision was already criticised by global leaders, including from the ocident, such as France and Germany, agreeing that this move is harmful to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has even declared that, if the Muslims fail to protect Jerusalem, they might lose Medina and Mecca as well.

The UNSC has become alarmed by the increasing tension in the long-lasting peace process, forcing them to call up an emergency meeting to be held today. A wide range of topics will be discussed: humanitarian issues (situation in Gaza and Palestinian refugees), political (territorial delimitation, recognition of the states and the reestablishment of negotiations) and security issues.

Agenda for the current UNSC discussion

