EXCLUSIVE: USA acuses iranian delegation of boycotting its presence at CICA summit

Bruno Barbosa
Published in
1 min readNov 1, 2018

New York Times

Source: Bruno Fiorelli

The representative of United States of America, during an exclusive interview to the New York Times, affirmed today (01) that the iranian delegation is undermining its presence at the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA). “As the discussions have showed us (…) Iran is trying to block US influence at the summit and assure control of the Strait of Hormuz” says the diplomat. He also added that the ongoing and proposed collaborative projetcs supported are actually a strategy to consolidate Iran as a Global Soft Power, a nation that approaches international relations with the usage of economic or cultural influence.

Claiming responsability to fight international crime, the US representative opposed to Iran’s stance, firmly stating that direct critiques and the purposefully exclusion of the nation from the agreements is based on interests of hegemony at the Indian Ocean Region (IOR), the official topic of the summit. Seen as the “New Silk Road” of the seas, the IOR represents the opportunity of free-trade and equality, something that is wished to be controlled by various parties.

