Press release: Somali Statement to the United Nations and the International Press

Marco Spera
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2018

Russia Today

Source: Wikipedia

The Federal Government of Somalia was recently called upon to be present in a United Nations Security Council meeting on the topic of “Somalia and the Gulf of Aden: Sources of instability by land and sea”. Our government and its Permanent Mission to the United Nations were honored by the invitation and hopeful to engage in multilateral agreements, especially on the diplomatic floor of the Security Council, and we stand grateful for the approved resolution.

The Council spent many hours and sessions contemplating the different difficulties concerning the sensible situation in our country and the region of the Gulf of Aden and was willing to listen to Somali needs and requests. For that, our nation is thankful for the engagement of its members.

However, our delegation noted it was caught in a discussion between world’s greatest powers, only in the jurisdiction of the United Nations. Our beautiful country is a fragilized state, shattered by civil war, separatism, and violent groups, thus, as for this moment, it only holds the decision-making power to accept international aid in humanitarian and military affairs and in providing the Rule of Law and Human Rights to our citizens.

The Somali delegation to the UNSC therefore indicates the obstacles to its capacity in negotiating for countries in need — in the last meetings, Somalia — because of disagreements between its members. Sadly, the outcome of such conflicts were a lack of mutual respect and pro-Somali talks.

Nonetheless, holding the confidence in the UN and its Council, and its capacity to overcome such momentary difficulties, Somalia states its intention in continuing the talks for providing aid to its citizens with the integration between the Somali people and the UN. Lastly, it hopes the discussion concerning the Palestinian occupied territory flows in a much more reasonable and diplomatic manner.

