“Regional solutions for regional problems”, says representative of the Philippines

Bruno Barbosa
Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2018

New York Times

Source: Bruno Fiorelli

At the begining of todays round of debates (01) of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA), representatives of the Philipines and Myanmar, both emphasized the importance of regional alliances and are partnerships on the topic of Power Projection at the Indian Ocean. Facing oposition from the american delegation, other asian diplomats, namely the representative of Djibouti and Iran, rose up to the occasion and claimed non-interventionist measures as the best way to deal with such complex matters regarding territorial and economical disputes.

During most of its statements, the Myanmar delegation called upon the support of already established cooperations and alliances in order to resolve conflicts at the Indian Ocean, playing the role of mediators in such matter. Philippines has afterwards proposed that new multilateral agreements should take a more proeminent role at the internacional stage. As many participants pointed, the speeches of the south eastern delegations of Asia demonstrate a general alignament of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Recalling the earlier statements of the USA representative, the djibutian’s delegation also criticised the usage of various military bases of both People’s Republic of China and the USA for inflence and power enforcement at the region.

