The Failure of Institutions: CICA summit and it’s reflections

Bruno Barbosa
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2018

New York Times

As the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) ends, it’s decisions must be revised in order to understand what the future holds for the asian continent. At the end of a 5-day meeting, representatives of the hole world discussed substantial matters, such as the power projetction at the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) the situation on drugs and narcotics. Amidst international pressure, diplomats were flustered and opted not to follow the general consensus, creating numerous projetcs without a cohesive goal.

Source: CICA-China

Power Balance

Discussing the topic of power projetions at the IOR, the US became a proeminent party to all military and security issues. Most of the projects promoted military exercises and demonstrations along the bays and islands of the IOR. Even during the newly discovered artificial island uncovered in the middle of the conference sparked harsh and agressive speeches from nation representatives, including Iran, The Phillipines, People’s Republic of China, Djibouti and Israel.

Other aspect of the absurdity of this conference is the proposal to explode the former island, endengering nearby reefs and archipelagos. Some other delegates suggested the implantation of a nuclear waste deposit, as if no one would go nearby at the most crowded commercial sea route of the world.

By all means, the consensus was abandoned and the first resolution has recieved a lot of critiques, since the US representative cowardly edited the draft in order to turn a paragraph official, one that the Iran delegation had already disaproved. Never in the history of international relations had a diplomat been so ignorant to the other representatives.

Drug Trafficking

Regarding the second topic of the conference, the discussion on drugs and narcotics was completely disperse, there was no focus nor clear goal to the proposals. A wide range of themes were approached and none were stressed enough, putting it clearly that the CICA members weren’t aware of the deeper intricacies of the topics and had a huge disregard to the committee calibre.

Whithal, this meeting should be considered the worst CICA already organize with little to no difference from a childs playground. A lot has to be done and disscussed about the issues of the asian continent and most of the diplomats, instead of concerns, bring a sand truck to play around and don’t realise that there is too much sand to be transported.

