The US aid is not welcomed on the CICA committee

Júlia Maria
Published in
1 min readNov 4, 2018

The Times of India

There was a lot of conflict between the Republic of Iran and United States of America in the 9th session of CICA’s committee regarding the technology aid of US on the initiateve on Border Security and Combat Against Narco-traffic.

Source: partiantisioniste.

We can see a great polarization now, in which some countries are in favor of the aid and others, against. The representative of the Republic of Iran states: “China and Russia are enough, we don’t need the presence of US”, supported by the declarations of India, wich asks for more independence of US and confidence building among asian countries. The US has declared that it is very disappointed that they are cooperation is not welcomed and threatened: “consequences are coming!”.

After an entire session of discussion, the present countries did an informal vote and the US aid was withdrawn of the cooperation project. “The sweet taste of democracy”, said the representative of Kyrgyzstan.

