When Reality Comes Knocking: Cluster Weapon Committee in DISEC is Interrupted by Cluster Weapon Attack

Lucas Colombo
Published in
1 min readNov 1, 2018

A routine debate over working papers was bluntly interrupted during the latest DISEC’s Committee meeting. An unfortunate attack performed by Brazilian forces upon a cocaine lab by cluster ammunition caused fatal injuries to a Colombian civilian. The breaking news was presented during the talks and redirected the whole conversation to the topic in question.

A drug lab was bombed in the middle of Amazon rainforest by Brazilian Cluster Munition. Photo source: KTLA.

It’s obviously not the first time this type of weaponry was used in the 21st century, but the timing and circunstances of the attack — in the middle of a meeting about this very topic — urges the present countries to find a solution to this issue. Whereas controversy is unavoidable when so many countries diverse on so many specific issues around the CCM (Convention on Cluster Munition). Therefore, the recent attack shows how much effect this topic has on civillian lives.

After the news, Brazil and aligned countries, such as Russian Federation, tried to dissipate the crisis by returning to new matters, such as the seventh working paper developed by this committee. However, Argentinian and Norwegian delegates insisted on reprehend brazilian’s decision and reinforced that “every life counts”.

