Why aren’t the United States the most capable to lead the peace process in Palestine and Israel anymore

Marco Spera
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2018

Recent cuts in the USAid to Palestine have brought the economy in Gaza to deterioration — and show us how the US policy does not take humanitarian conditions into consideration.

According to the World Bank, the economy of Gaza is being deteriorated: the growth rate of the region at the first quarter of 2018 has marked -6%. Specialists say that Donald Trump, the president of the US, is forcing an economic war on the Palestinians, using cuts in humanitarian aid as a form of blackmail into forcing Palestinians into an agreement in favour of Israel.

Donald Trump as a politician is an obvious obscenity. As a president, he’s a catastrophe: he is not capable of seeing external relations as human relations, delegating to money an utilitarist character, and it affects both Palestine and Israel.

Trump position regarding humanitarian aid: too much of commercial expectations, without understanding humanitarian conditions

Hilary DuBose, from the Catholic Relief Services, told the british journal The Guardian that 80% of the 2 million persons living in Gaza are dependant on humanitarian aid, and the end of USAid will bring “major humanitarian consequences which could also have impact on the political and security situation”.

Peter Lerner, spokesman for the Israeli military, when asked by the same journal, has defended a similar perspective: this policy from the US could affect not only in Palestine, but could also create instability in the region, backfiring into a situation where the security of Israel would be harmed.

Israeli delegate speeches at the UNSC. Even if Israel is not a current member of the UNSC, both Israel and Palestine have been invited as observers to the meeting. Source: Marco Spera

We could easily realise that the US has lost the nerve. The changes taken during Trump administration are escalating a situation that does not need more tension than it already has, forcing people in need to a situation of even more misery and conflict. The US are no longer to trust regarding finding the Two-State Solution, the only way of actually bringing peace to both Israel and Palestine.

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