How to run SQL queries with Presto on Amazon Redshift

Ali LeClerc
Presto Foundation
5 min readOct 19, 2023


This blog was originally authored by Rohan Pednekar.

Table of Contents

Presto is a unified engine for SQL queries on top of data lakes and lakehouses for interactive and ad hoc queries. This tutorial is about how to run SQL queries with Presto (running with Kubernetes) on AWS Redshift.

Presto’s Redshift connector allows conducting SQL queries on the data stored in an external Amazon Redshift cluster. This can be used to join data between different systems like Redshift and Hive, or between two different Redshift clusters.

How to Run SQL Queries in Redshift with Presto

Step 1: Setup a Presto cluster with Kubernetes

Set up your own Presto cluster on Kubernetes using our Presto on Kubernetes tutorial.

Step 2: Setup an Amazon Redshift cluster

Create an Amazon Redshift cluster from AWS Console and make sure it’s up and running with the dataset and tables as described here.

The below screen shows the Amazon Redshift cluster — “redshift-presto-demo

A JDBC URL from the cluster is required to setup a Redshift connector with Presto.

You can skip this section if you want to use your existing Redshift cluster, just make sure your redshift cluster is accessible from Presto because AWS services are secure by default. Even if you have created your Amazon Redshift cluster in a public VPC, the security group assigned to the target Redshift cluster can prevent inbound connections to the database cluster. The Security Group settings of a Redshift database play the role of a firewall and prevent inbound database connections over port 5439. Find the assigned Security Group and check its Inbound rules.

If your Presto Compute Plane VPC and data sources are in a different VPC then you need to configure a VPC peering connection.

Step 3: Configure Presto Catalog for Amazon Redshift Connector

To configure the Redshift connector, create a catalog properties file in etc/catalog named, for example,, to mount the Redshift connector as the redshift catalog. Create the file with the following contents, replacing the connection properties as appropriate for your setup:


This is what my catalog properties look like – |

Step 4: Check for available datasets, schemas and tables, etc, and run SQL queries with Presto Client to access the Redshift database

After successfully creating the database connection with Amazon Redshift, you can connect to Presto CLI and run the following queries. Make sure that the Redshift catalog gets picked up and perform show schemas and show tables to understand available data.

$./presto-cli.jar --server https://<presto.cluster.url> --catalog bigquery --schema <schema_name> --user <presto_username> --password

In the below example you can see a new catalog for Redshift Database got initiated called “my_redshift. ”

presto> show catalogs;
(6 rows)

Query 20210810_173543_00209_krtkp, FINISHED, 2 nodes
Splits: 36 total, 36 done (100.00%)
0:00 [0 rows, 0B] [0 rows/s, 0B/s]

Further, you can check all available schemas for your Amazon Redshift from Presto to work with.

presto> show schemas from my_redshift;
(5 rows)

Query 20210810_174048_00210_krtkp, FINISHED, 3 nodes
Splits: 36 total, 36 done (100.00%)
0:01 [5 rows, 85B] [4 rows/s, 72B/s]

Here, I have used sample data that comes with the Redshift Cluster setup. I have chosen the schema “public” which is a part of “dev” Redshift Database.

presto> show tables from my_redshift.public;
(7 rows)

Query 20210810_185448_00211_krtkp, FINISHED, 3 nodes
Splits: 36 total, 36 done (100.00%)
0:03 [7 rows, 151B] [2 rows/s, 56B/s]

Further, you can explore tables as “sales” in the below example.

presto> select * from my_redshift.public.sales LIMIT 2;
salesid | listid | sellerid | buyerid | eventid | dateid | qtysold | pricepaid | commission | saletime
33095 | 36572 | 30047 | 660 | 2903 | 1827 | 2 | 234.00 | 35.10 | 2008-01-01 01:41:06.000
88268 | 100813 | 45818 | 698 | 8649 | 1827 | 4 | 836.00 | 125.40 | 2007-12-31 23:26:20.000
(2 rows)

Query 20210810_185527_00212_krtkp, FINISHED, 1 node
Splits: 18 total, 18 done (100.00%)
0:03 [18.1K rows, 0B] [6.58K rows/s, 0B/s]

Following are some more complex queries you can run against sample data:

presto:public> -- Find top 10 buyers by quantity
->SELECT firstname, lastname, total_quantity
-> FROM (SELECT buyerid, sum(qtysold) total_quantity
-> FROM sales
-> GROUP BY buyerid
-> ORDER BY total_quantity desc limit 10) Q, users
-> WHERE Q.buyerid = userid
-> ORDER BY Q.total_quantity desc;
firstname | lastname | total_quantity
Jerry | Nichols | 67
Armando | Lopez | 64
Kameko | Bowman | 64
Kellie | Savage | 63
Belle | Foreman | 60
Penelope | Merritt | 60
Kadeem | Blair | 60
Rhona | Sweet | 60
Deborah | Barber | 60
Herrod | Sparks | 60
(10 rows)

Query 20210810_185909_00217_krtkp, FINISHED, 2 nodes
Splits: 214 total, 214 done (100.00%)
0:10 [222K rows, 0B] [22.4K rows/s, 0B/s]

presto:public> -- Find events in the 99.9 percentile in terms of all time gross sales.
-> SELECT eventname, total_price
-> FROM (SELECT eventid, total_price, ntile(1000) over(order by total_price desc) as percentile
-> FROM (SELECT eventid, sum(pricepaid) total_price
-> FROM sales
-> GROUP BY eventid)) Q, event E
-> WHERE Q.eventid = E.eventid
-> AND percentile = 1
-> ORDER BY total_price desc;
eventname | total_price
Adriana Lecouvreur | 51846.00
Janet Jackson | 51049.00
Phantom of the Opera | 50301.00
The Little Mermaid | 49956.00
Citizen Cope | 49823.00
Sevendust | 48020.00
Electra | 47883.00
Mary Poppins | 46780.00
Live | 46661.00
(9 rows)

Query 20210810_185945_00218_krtkp, FINISHED, 2 nodes
Splits: 230 total, 230 done (100.00%)
0:12 [181K rows, 0B] [15.6K rows/s, 0B/s]

Step 5: Run SQL queries to join data between different systems like Redshift and Hive

Another great use case of Presto is Data Federation. In this example, I will join anApache Hive table with an Amazon Redshift table and run a JOIN query to access both tables from Presto.

Here, I have two catalogs “ahana_hive” for Hive Database and “my_redshift” for Amazon Redshift and each database has my_redshift.public.usersand ahana_hive.default.customer table respectively within their schema.

Here are very simple SQL queries to join these tables, the same way you join two tables from the same database:

presto> show catalogs;
presto> select * from ahana_hive.default.customer;
presto> select * from my_redshift.public.users;
presto> Select * from ahana_hive.default.customer x join my_redshift.public.users y on
x.nationkey = y.userid;



Ali LeClerc
Presto Foundation

Presto Community Chair, Product Manager at IBM. Chair of the #Presto Foundation Community team. Topics on #bigdata, #dataanalytics, #lakehouse, #opensource