Presto Community Newsletter July 2024

Ali LeClerc
Presto Foundation
3 min readJul 24, 2024


A lot to cover this month! Join us for one of our many community events coming up (hands-on workshops, virtual meetups). Latest Presto release 0.288 now available. New blogs on Iceberg and Presto OS user Etisalat Egypt. And as always, if you’re new to the Presto community, join us in the community slack channel 😁

Presto community events 📅

Upcoming Virtual Lab Series

Our Presto hands-on virtual lab series kicks off Thursday, July 25th! Join us for any (or all!) of our virtual workshops:

Thursday, Jul 25 at 10am PT: Getting Started with Presto
Thursday, Aug 1 at 10am PT: Dive into Presto C++, next-gen Presto

Thursday, Aug 15 at 10am PT: Building an Open Data Lakehouse with Presto & Apache Iceberg

Virtual Meetup

Wednesday, Aug 14 at 8:30am PT: Introducing Presto C++ Runtime Metrics with Prometheus RSVP Now

Blogs & More 📝

Blog: What’s New in the Presto-Iceberg Connector

We cover the latest innovation in the Presto-Iceberg connector which includes time travel support, row-level deletes & other delete enhancements, Iceberg REST catalog support, Presto C++ enhancements, and more.

Blog: Recap of PrestoCon Day 2024
We recap our virtual community event PrestoCon Day, which included sessions on Presto C++, Presto performance, new connectors, use cases, the ecosystem, and more! On-demand videos are also now available on the website.

Blog: Optimizing Data Analytics at Etisalat Egypt with Presto

Etisalat Egypt, a leading telecom in Egypt, shares their Presto use case and some of the reasons they chose Presto (spoiler: Easy setup, Great scalability by adding more workers, Familiar SQL syntax similar to Hive).

New Presto releases ⭐

Presto v0.288 is now available.

Release highlights include:

  • Improve handling of floating point numbers in Presto to consistently treat NaNs as larger than any other number and equal to itself. It also changes the handling of positive and negative zero to always be considered equal to each other. For more information, see The new nan behavior can be disabled by setting the configuration property use-new-nan-definition to false. This configuration property is intended to be temporary to ease migration in the short term, and will be removed in a future release. #22386
  • Add procedure expire_snapshots to remove old snapshots in Iceberg. #22609
  • Add support for Iceberg REST catalog. #22417
  • Add support for NOT NULL column constraints in the CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements. This only takes effect for Hive connector now. #22064

See full release notes.

Presto Helm Chart 0.3.0 is now available

Release highlights include:

  • Minimize default memory configuration
  • Make Resource Manager replica count immutable
  • Add optional property
  • Add configuration support for Resource Groups
  • Upgrade default Presto version to 0.288

Bonus changes:

  • Helm repository web page beautification 😍

Join a Presto working group 💼

Want to contribute to a specific area of Presto? Join one of our working groups and start collaborating with other Presto users and maintainers:

The Presto Foundation public calendar is the best place to see all of the working group and community meetings!



Ali LeClerc
Presto Foundation

Presto Community Chair, Product Manager at IBM. Chair of the #Presto Foundation Community team. Topics on #bigdata, #dataanalytics, #lakehouse, #opensource