Get Started by Knowing Yourself

Being happy and living life to the fullest depends primarily on knowing ourselves very well and doing the things that best suit our personality.

Mert Bostan
3 min readAug 12, 2022


Get Started by Knowing Yourself Being happy and living life to the fullest depends primarily on knowing ourselves very well and doing the things that best suit our personality.
Photo by Jonathan Zerger on Unsplash

“First they ignore you, then they make fun of you, then they fight you, then you win.”
- Mahatma Gandhi

Get Started by Knowing Yourself

We must try to be who we really want to be. What is the special power within you that has only been given to you? Think about the things you did well, your accomplishments, and the times you even influenced yourself. We’ve all surely had times when we feel like we do something much better than others. Our goal should be to find that special strength that makes us feel better during these times.

When we look at the life stories of successful people, we often hear that they discover that special power they were given, and then they work non-stop on that thing they are good at. We should do the same for ourselves. We need to take time for ourselves, listen to our inner voice, and start by finding out what that hidden power lies within us.

Trying to Please Others Is a Dangerous Trap

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
- Mahatma Gandhi

We often leave decisions about ourselves to others. We pay more attention to what other people are saying and pay less attention to our own inner voice. When we try to please other people, we lose the purpose of our own lives. We take every step we take not for ourselves, but for others.

We must stop living just to win the love of those around us. We should not leave the steering wheel of our lives to them in order to seem a cuter, more harmonious, and more correct person to them. Other people, even those who have grown and loved us, don’t know exactly what we think. They don’t know your worldview. They don’t understand us or share our enthusiasm. We have to make an effort to explain this to them. Now we have to grow up and show the world that we are adults too. We must live our lives not to win the admiration of others, but to gain our own personal freedom.

We should listen to our relatives, but we must make the final decision ourselves. They will understand us better if we focus our attention on what really interests us and show it openly to those around us. Over time, they stop putting us under pressure so that no one can change our decisions. After all, we appear to them to be honest and know what we want.

Start Living For Yourself

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

First, ask yourself what you want to be. Then do whatever you need to do.
If you turn inside yourself and find what makes you happy, your job will be much easier. Who exactly do you want to be? What are your personal goals? Have a good idea? Watch your good idea and think about what you can do with that idea.

Focus on your own higher purpose. First set your goal, stick to it, then think about how you’re going to achieve it. Your thoughts will guide you. Then start acting in accordance with what you have decided and your ideals.

You are the most important person in this world.

P.S. I would love to know your perspective on life. I would like to state that I value your comments very much to benefit from the experiences of people outside of my own life. I believe that sometimes it is more memorable to learn from real people rather than from books.

Thank you.



Mert Bostan

Civil Engineer | Tony Hsieh & Zappos Fan | Knowing himself better after his 40's |Someone who loves the 80s and 90s |Someone who dreams of living Ureki/Georgia