Amazon Lens 2023 (English Version)

Key dates and holidays for Amazon sellers

Niusha Shahmoradi
Priceloop Tech Blog
3 min readFeb 27, 2023


Hello Priceloop family!

We are now past Dry January, and perhaps at the end of Dry February for those of you who are really ambitious. Speaking about ambitious goals, we are making sure that you have the right tools to have a successful year selling on Amazon!

More and more sellers are joining our community in order to set their prices in a data-driven way. As we exchange experiences with them. We witness how closely pricing and other factors are intertwined. One topic that keeps popping up is in relation to the upcoming holiday seasons. How does Priceloop deal with Cyber Week? What should I do in preparation for Prime Day? What should I get my partner for Christmas? While we cannot answer all the questions above with certainty, we are happy to help you with anything regarding your pricing strategy!

One key aspect of getting your pricing right is anticipating holiday sales and reacting accordingly. As a first step you should know when those (Amazon-specific) holidays are; which is why we created the Amazon Lens for 2023!

The calendar contains all important Amazon Seller dates which will allow you to strategically plan sales, product launches, stocking etc. helping to put you at the top of your game as a seller.

So let us get right into running through the year 2023, through the Amazon lens:

NOTE: The sheet is a view only sheet that can be duplicated to be edited, and can automatically be adjusted for date for next year as well. The text below will focus on the key dates on a quarterly basis with the sheet covering more dates.

Quarter One

The pivotal quarter where you can get your store on the front foot, in this case the main dates to look out for in terms of traditional seasonal demand fluctuations range from Cupid’s Valentine’s Day to the Irish St. Patrick’s Day.

Key Dates:

  • March 14th: St. Patrick’s Day

Quarter Two

Following the sleepy first quarter, we are followed by the start of more festive action, a time change and customers getting ready for summer. Children get excited for Easter-egg hunting and parents look forward to gifts for Mother’s and Father’s Day; rounded off by the buoyant pride month.

Key Dates:

  • First Week of April: Easter Week
  • 14th of May: Mother’s Day
  • 18th of May: Father’s Day
  • 1st of June: Start of Pride Month

Quarter Three

This quarter is not all open-air festivals and cocktails; it also holds the first Amazon Prime Day of the year followed by a boozy end to the quarter with Oktoberfest.

Key Dates

  • TBA: Amazon Prime Day (October 13–14 2020, July 12–13 2021, June 21–22 2022)
  • 1st of September: Start of Summer Sales
  • 16th of September: Start of Oktoberfest

Quarter Four

Crunchtime! The quarter that every E-Commerce seller looks forward to, Christmas is right around the corner, spirits are high and American history gifted us days such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday which are essential to capitalize on.

Key Dates:

  • TBA: Second Amazon Prime Day
  • November 11th: Single’s Day
  • 24th of November: Black Friday
  • 26th of November: Cyber Monday
  • 6th of December: Saint Nicholas Day
  • 7th of December: Start of Hanukkah
  • 24th of December: Christmas Eve
  • 25th of December: Christmas Day
  • 26th of December: Boxing Day

Attached here is the whole calendar that you can make a copy of, then edit and make your “own”- it also includes more relevant dates and holidays that you should keep an eye on but are omitted here. We will also add missing dates throughout the year since some exact dates, e.g. Prime Day, have not been communicated yet. You can integrate it into your own calendar through these two links:

Google Calendar & iCalendar Subscription.

We hope that this was helpful and provides you with another addition to your seller toolbox. Remember to also keep an eye out for our Priceloop events calendar.Feel free to message us if you would like to discuss how you could tweak your pricing according to the holiday season and learn more about Priceloop and see where we can help you along the way!

