Hillary Clinton (Barely) Takes Iowa In Her Bid for the White House

Marcus Lovingood
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2016

Hillary Clinton has won the Iowa Caucuses by a very tight margin against Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. Some precincts have even reported that their decisions had to be determined via a coin toss. With the New Hampshire primary a week away, this will only build strong momentum for the Clinton campaign as we leave the Northeast and head across the south where Hillary Clinton has strong support from Latino and African American communities. Below are the current results from Politico.com’s Iowa Caucus Election Tracker:


What gives us pause here at the Pride PAC is the fact that Ted Cruz has won the night with Trump and Rubio almost neck and neck. The rest of the GOP field averaged 2–3 percentage points each. With Rubio coming in a strong third and almost second, Rubio may get a surge if the GOP dropouts decide to throw their support behind him. Marco Rubio is a stronger contender than Ted Cruz in the general against Hillary Clinton and if either Rand Paul (4.5%) or Jeb Bush (3%) were to throw their support behind Rubio, he could be neck and neck with Cruz and take the helm in Florida and the rest of the primary states that lean heavily Hispanic. The candidate to watch out for is not Ted Cruz, but Marco Rubio:

Hillary Clinton has the support and drive needed to push into New Hampshire, and with the momentum of the Sander’s campaign still in deep heat, this will only encourage her campaign to work harder and push stronger. Let’s help make this happen for her.

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Marcus Lovingood

Fmr. Candidate for LA City Council District 14. Black Artist, Activist, Progressive, Dreamer.