5 Tips To Stay Confident While In High School

Tanya Wright
Pridesource Today
Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2018

People like to say that confidence is key. But then why do so many people tend to lack confidence? And what can those people do to get it back?

“I stay confident by always doing what I like,” says Eastside sophomore Savanna McAlister. “When I’m wearing something that I like, I feel confident.’’

Here are five tips to make sure you can feel and be the best you.


Once in while, it is nice to just pamper yourself. High school can be stressful. Take time to relax in a hot bath. Give your mind a break. Maybe try a new hair style, face mask, or outfit. Whatever makes you feel good.


Buy a whiteboard or calendar, and write when your assignments are due. Staying organized can be a big boost to your confidence. Similarly, try going through your backpack once a week and throw away what is not needed.


Remind yourself not everyone is the same for a reason. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Everyone is unique in the own way, which is what makes the world different and interesting.


Always surround yourself with positive uplifting people. Find the people who actually want to see you succeed, and identify those people who don’t really care about you. Even better, surround yourself with people who have goals that are similar to your own.


Always keep a positive mindset. Remind yourself of the goals you want to accomplish. Don’t just think about why you want to accomplish them. Think about how you’re going to do it.

