Are You A Procrastinator?

Tanya Wright
Pridesource Today
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2018

A lot of Eastside students tend to procrastinate. Junior Itzebel Burrgoa is no exception. And it’s not just with her schoolwork.

“I say I wanna clean or change things around my room,” she says. “But I never do. I keep saying I’ll do it next week or I’ll do it tomorrow, but I never actually end up doing it.’’

Here are five tips to help you accomplish the things you need to.

Keep Perspective

Always look at what you want to accomplish and see if it’s actually a big task. Many of us tend to make our tasks seem way bigger than they are. The longer you think about not doing you could’ve spent doing it. The relief that comes after finishing something you needed to is such a great reward.

Think Ahead

Realize the consequences. Think about what will happen if you don’t complete your tasks on time. Could skipping out on this task add even more tasks in the future?

Stop Delaying

Never wait until last minute. Waiting last minute could actually bring you more stress than just doing it on time. Plus, procrastinating last minute can create sloppy work.

Stay Organized

Make a list of what you need to accomplish. This can be helpful because it will help you realize everything you need to do. Plus, having a list in front of you will make the tasks harder to ignore. Be sure to start with the tasks that have imminent deadlines. These are always the most important.

Make Priorities

Never put something important off to the side for something that isn’t. The second you put an important task off to the side, it just makes it easier to push it off even longer. Watching another episode of TV is not gonna help you clean your room or do your homework.

