Here’s What I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me On My First Day

Dulce Sanabria
Pridesource Today
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2020

Hello, my name is Dulce. By the time you read this, I will have completed my freshman year and become a sophomore. Looking back, there are a few things I wish someone would have told me beforehand. I’m going to share some of them with you.

High school is played off as being big and scary; however, trust me, you will be accustomed to this school in about a week. These could either be the best years of your life or the worst years of your life; it all depends on what you make of it. I am aware of how cliché that sounded, but it’s true. You are going to struggle if you choose to go down the wrong path. Here’s some ways to keep that from happening.

Let me start with the most significant thing that weighed me down this year: friends. If you have any toxic friends that you’re thinking of leaving, do it as soon as possible. This is the sign you’ve been looking for. You don’t deserve to be with a group that thinks low of you. It’s tiring. My biggest regret this year was not leaving the friend group I was with. Find yourself healthy friendships, don’t stay with people who don’t care for you. Sticking with someone who thinks you’re dumb gets really difficult, and it makes you question yourself. Kindness is cool, kids.

This next one is extremely vital. Please do all of your work. Believe me, it’s worth it. The last thing you want are low grades; your grades matter more than ever in high school. You’re going to need a certain amount of credits to graduate. Go to all of your classes, do that presentation, don’t save it for later, and run that mile. I know it’s easy to look at an assignment and think, “That’s too much,” but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it. Challenge yourself to do better every single day, it will get easier. Do your best to not procrastinate. Doing all your work last minute is not the move. Do things the right way, even if it might take a little extra time. My point here is that you should prioritize your grades, or else you’ll genuinely have an awful time not only here but in your future as well.

Let’s talk about teachers: you either hate them or love them. They may give you a ton of work and have high expectations of you, but it’s best to just stay quiet and not pick an argument. Being disrespectful to teachers is uncivil and cringeworthy. I assure you, you don’t look cool talking back to teachers. If anything, teachers should be people that you could trust and talk to. You shouldn’t have to have hatred for your teachers. Even if they give you a lot to do, sit quietly and do it. The effort is worth it. You don’t gain anything from picking fights with your teachers. Not to mention, arguing with teachers won’t look good on your record.

To sum it all up for you, high school shouldn't be something scary. Just be wise and go down the right path. Make sure to cut off any toxic friends who’re bringing you down. You deserve to have healthy friendships with people who make you feel good about yourself. Try your best to keep your grades stable because if you don’t, your future won’t have paths or guidance. Be nice and respectful to your teachers because nothing good comes from being rude to them. Feel free to talk to them if you need assistance. Remember, it’s all about perspective; when you’re down, there’s no other way to go but up.

