How To Pass Your AP Classes
Many students feel the need to sign up for several AP classes, even though they know how stressful they are. AP classes are meant to prepare you for college, and you can even get college credit if you pass the AP exam. However, nationwide, almost half of the students taking these courses do not pass the AP exam. Here at Eastside, the number is even lower. While the majority of enrolled students pass the class, it can be difficult to get college credit for even one AP class, let alone five or six. However, it can be done! Here are three tips that will help you succeed in your AP classes.
Manage Your Time Well
Managing your time with other classwork and school activities may be the most helpful step, especially if you are involved in many things. Participating in clubs, sports, and AP classes all at one time can be stressful, so having things such as calendars, planners, or reminders can help you stay on track.
Sometimes, students will focus on assignments that are due in two weeks and forget about the essay that is due tomorrow. Finish the due assignment first! If there is work that you still have time to do, complete it after finishing other work that has a closer due date.
“I don’t want my grade to drop because of missing work, so I complete assignments that are due that same week first,” says Kemmich Uribe, an EHS junior. Follow his example and can you help keep your grade from dropping, just because you were busy working on the wrong assignments.
Study Regularly
Studying for tests and quizzes is very important for an AP class, since they are usually more difficult. Whether you have different methods of studying or you stick with a tried-and-true favorite, it’s important to make sure you’re reviewing important information regularly, especially in the days before an upcoming test.
“Flashcards are the easiest method for me to study,” says junior Nataly Gonzalez. “I use them for almost every test.” As Nataly points out, flashcards can be a useful and easy way to study for any class, especially your AP ones.
AP classes can be difficult to maintain, especially if you are enrolled in multiple or have extracurricular commitments. Don’t forget: Use a calendar, prioritize your work by due date, and study regularly. These tips will help you make this year a successful one.