Avoiding Drama (Even In A Drama-Filled School)

Brandee Payne
Pridesource Today
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2019
Photo By: Jessica Campos

Drama is everywhere. Fights, bullying, and arguing all happen on the EHS campus. So how do you stay out of all of the drama?

“I avoid drama and try not to insert myself into it,” says junior Matthew Ortiz. “If it doesn’t involve you, then stay away from it, but if it does involve you, just ignore it.”

As Matthew suggests, one of the best ways to keep out of drama is to not worry about other people’s business and only worry about yourself. If someone tries to start rumors or bring negative energy to you, just ignore it. There will be people who want to start things, but you have to learn to be the bigger person.

“Just walk away from the drama,” says junior Jovani Diaz. “Ignore them and keep to yourself.”

Walking away and keeping to yourself will allow you to keep a problem-free school year. This advice seems to be especially important in light of all the recent fights.

According to a recent Instagram poll, approximately 93% of Eastside students have had problems with other students on campus, many of which led to fights. Too often, students tend to handle problems with violence instead of just walking away from it.

Staying away from people who seem to be problematic will make it easier to avoid drama. The people you hang out with will influence you and the way you handle situations will differ because of them. Pick the right group of friends who will help you do better in school and encourage you to stay out of the drama.

There will be drama wherever you go, but knowing how to deal with it will change things. Be the bigger person and just walk away. Don’t let the negativity get to you and just ignore it. Don’t add yourself to anyone else’s problems. Only worry about yourself and stay away from negative people.



Brandee Payne
Pridesource Today
Writer for

Follow me on Instagram @bbrandeeee