Got A Job In HS? Two Things You Need To Know

Meagan Coffey
Pridesource Today
Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2018

Many teens seek employment in their high school years. Jobs can be a great way to get some extra cash, to begin saving, or to gain work experience.

Ms. Coleman teaches the Work Experience class here at EHS. She is also responsible for issuing work permits to students. She’s issued 87 students work permits since August 13th, and she is still writing more.

“The student’s main job is to finish high school,” says Ms. Coleman. She says attendance and grades are the most important things to keep up with as a student with a job.

Working as a teen “helps with independence and builds character,” says Crystal Bernal, an employed Eastside senior.

But how can students balance their work responsibilities with their schoolwork? Here are two tips to make that happen.

First, students should try to finish the homework they have breaks during the work day. “Try to do periods 1–3 first,” says Crystal. You always have a little extra time to finish the work for your later periods.

Second, talk to your boss to ensure that your work hours are manageable. “Bosses are always supportive,” Ms. Coleman says. They’re usually willing to alter work hours to help a student’s work/school balance.

