Why Doesn’t EHS Have More Cultural Art Talks?

Leilani Palencia
Pridesource Today
Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2019

In the past few months, various events at Eastside have helped spotlight the different cultures that make up our student body. Whether it’s the Black History Month art talk or the Los Leones showcase, Eastside is trying to give all of its students an opportunity to express themselves and their cultural background. But is it enough?

Some students don’t think so.

While these events have seemed especially common so far this semester, most of these events only occur once every year. It’s important to realize that diversity is more than a slideshow; it’s a whole culture that deserves proper respect. While art talks, dances, and slideshows are a positive step, many students would like our school to do even more to represent these cultures.

“They don’t express it enough,” says Eastside freshman Xithlaly Aldaba. She’d like to see the school do more to embrace cultural diversity. “There are barely any cultural art talks, and the Spanish teachers never get their spotlight like other teachers.”

These cultural art talks are rare, but the students and cultures they are supposed to represent are plentiful.

“They have done better each year,” says math teacher Ms. Munoz. She thinks that it’s important for Eastside to listen to these concerns. “Our best bet is to survey the students since it is who we are reaching out to.”

What do you think? How can our school better represent the diverse cultures that make up our school? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

