EHS Voting

Alana Silas
1 min readNov 2, 2018


“photo of neon signage” by Louis Smit on Unsplash

Have you always wondered how many EHS students voted for homecoming king and queen or the 2018 election,most students voted for homecoming because an election is not going to catch their attention,here are some students from eastside high opinion.”I voted for homecoming because everyone voted and I wanted to help my friends”says, 12th grader marisol macias,another person also voted for both “I voted for both because they asked me too.”says, 12th grader vincent wilks.Most eastside students voted for homecoming king and queen because it capture their interest because it is fun to them instead of voting for a election they’re not really pay attention to.

“I voted for homecoming because I was interested and my friends was sign up for it”says 12th grader sienna.Students that has friends in homecoming is the reason why they vote for it or also its because they just like it for the fun of it.

