How To Know If College Isn’t Right For You

Alana Silas
2 min readMar 29, 2019


Photo by Vasily Koloda on Unsplash

Is college that right choice for you ? or is it just a waste of time with more school work. Some students may not want to go straight to college after graduation while others are determined to because they know what career they want to start. There were some students on campus with some opinions that may be different from others.

According to the article on the booking website they claim that even though college may not be for everyone they think it will help the students below middle class have a higher chance to make it big somewhere with a wealthy career. On the other hand, theirs teens that struggled throughout their high school year and might not want to go to college at all which can okay as long as they have a way to pay their own bills.

“Yes I think college will be right for me because in college I’ll be working to do something I’m interested in rather than taking classes in high school I don’t really care about. “ says 12th grader Oscar Norman. Their multiple colleges with many different programs to choose from for the people that use the excuse of saying”college doesn’t have the program I’m looking for. ”. Some students would usually just prefer time off before starting school again.

Another 12 grader student named Kalilah Holloway says “Yes I think that college would be right for me because I can learn and prepare for what kind of career I want to have in the future. ” Most people would prefer college because they want to have a good career while the others that don’t is just being lazy or prefer doing something else with their life instead.

Also, their student’s that dropped out of high school so there wouldn’t be a high chance for those type of teens to get in college which explains why they do side hustle jobs like doing tattoo’s, etc. Without a high school diploma or a certificate, GED it’s no other way for dropouts to get to a college unless they re-enroll and make up the credits they missed throughout the school year.

In the United States, there are more than 8,000 students that drop out of high school. In California there were 84.1% graduates from the past year 2018 that graduated while there were 91.5% of dropouts, that sums up there are more teens giving up on school rather than graduating to make it to college.

