Is Avid Worth It?

Noah Lovell
2 min readMar 8, 2019


School is a necessary resource for later things in life. But if students were to take certain classes at high school then they could make their chances of being more successful.

That's what avid truly does for overachieving students at Eastside. Even though that classes can be hard and annoying it’s still going to give students great opportunities for themselves.

Miles, a junior here at Eastside says,” Avid is great for students, regardless on what people say. Avid can only help students if they let Avid help them. I’ve been in Avid for 3 years and all of my teachers busted and pushed all their efforts for their students.”

Aspen, a senior here at Eastside says,” Avid is a challenging class but it’s all worth the effort in the end. I’ve been looking for colleges recently and being able to put Avid as one of the classes has given me a great advantage and I’ve already gotten 5 offers from different schools.”

So Avid is worth the time and effort for all students who want to get ahead in their life. With all the high school districts in the United States alone there are over %78 of students that take this class and become successful with their careers.

