Is Eastside Using Too Much Technology?

Marlen Mendoza
Pridesource Today
Published in
1 min readMay 5, 2019

Most of the classes at Eastside High School use Chromebooks. These Chromebooks can be used to share assignments, upload work, or make websites.

Many students enjoy having easy access to technology, but not all students believe it’s a good thing, especially when one considers that experts recommend teens only have two hours of screen time per day. That’s just two periods. Many students are having more screen time by the time the final bell rings, not to mention any computer-based homework.

“I feel like school is using too much technology,” says junior Rebeca Rico. “Sometimes it does create a distraction for some kids and it’s hard for them to concentrate.”

Junior Nahomy Aguilar agrees. “We literally need Chromebooks to do our assignments now,” she says.

But some students appreciate the emphasis on technology. For these students, it helps them learn to use a variety of websites and media, such as slideshows or video. For junior Nicklaus Brown, this can be important.

“Technology is the future,” he says. “We have to get used to using it.”

What do you think? Does Eastside use too much technology or not enough? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

