Is it ok for non African Americans to say the N word.

Vincent Wilks
2 min readFeb 1, 2019


There has been a huge debate over if non African American people should use the n word and the main response I see from non African American people is usually “ well if they don’t like us saying it then you shouldn't say it either.” My response to that is we use it as a term of endearment to other African American people, when you use it we understand there’s no wrong intended its just we know there’s a double meaning under. In 2018 rapper by the name Joyner Lucas who’s from Worcester, Massachusetts who made a song called “i’m not racist” where it depicts how African Americans feel living in the U.S at times like these and he also feels the importance to add the white mans perspective as well and when they're done saying their opinions they come to an agreement and hug to show that their willing to make sacrifices and are willing to make a new. “I’m not racist was a beautiful depiction of blacks and white putting aside there differences and coming together” says Eastside student Marcus Hayes.

I don’t know why non African American people get so pressed over not being able to say a word that we know you created but instead of using it to put each other down we use it in a more positive way. Myself and some of my friends don’t have a problem with other people saying it, just know not every African American isn't gonna feel the same way. Some non African American people are heavily influenced by rap and rap culture so the N word is in their vocabulary whether people like it or not.

Do I think they're gonna stop using the word just because we tell them not to, no I don’t so I say let them be them and we’ll do us. Just as long as it doesn't get to the point where it starts to offend people and becomes violent then let it be. “I don’t think non black people should say the n word because its not a word a word used against them and it wasn’t reclaimed by the says eastside student Ja’Lynn Simon.

