Mr. Gonzales: Head And Shoulders Above The Rest

Katherine Tran
Pridesource Today
Published in
1 min readJan 18, 2019

Mr. Gonzales is an English teacher in the Biomed program here at Eastside. He is known for his humorous jokes, witty replies, and his superb teaching skills. Students feel comfortable in his classroom.

“He prepares me for college and what’s to come,” says Emely Merino. “Even though he’s strict on what he expects from his students, he’s very understanding and logical.”

Noely Perez, another one of Mr. Gonzales’ students, agrees. “Mr. Gonzales creates a classroom environment that makes us students feel comfortable with expressing ourselves.”

“He’s a very organized teacher and he explains things well,” says Heaven Mejia. “And [he] actually helps you when you need it.”

When asked about how he maintains a good relationship with his students, Mr. Gonzales replies: “Meeting them where they’re at, because a lot of kids have lives outside of school too, you know? And so I think being understanding of what they deal with in their lives kind of creates that mark.”

Mr. Gonzales’ approach is working, at least according to Biomed student Adrian Flores. He says, “Mr. Gonzales is a cool and funny teacher that students can be themselves around.”

