Quentin Tarantino’s New Movie Hits Theaters This Summer

Daniela Sorto
Pridesource Today
Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2019

This summer, Quentin Tarantino’s ninth film will be hitting theaters. There is a lot of buzz around its upcoming release, largely because of its big-budget names, including stars like Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, and Margot Robbie. But the most buzzworthy aspect of the film? It appears that this will be Tarantino’s second-to-last film.

Set in Hollywood in the late sixties, the film tells the story of film star Rick Dalton and his stunt double, Cliff Booth. Margot Robbie’s character, model and actress Sharon Tate, doesn’t have a large role in the trailer, but fans speculate that the film will dive into her relationship with the protagonists or even her ex-spouse-Roman Polanski, director and fugitive.

Other elements of the film that are brewing up hype are the cameos of other old-Hollywood actors and actresses, most notably Mike Moh’s uncanny portrayal of late actor and martial artist Bruce Lee.

The soundtrack and cinematography are also stirring up excitement. The film features a sixties-inspired color scheme, along with Tarantino’s distinctive God’s Eye shots.

“His movies are never ever boring,” says Eastside alumni and current film major Fabiola Higuera. “That’s the most important thing to me.”

“I like the way his movies look,” says Jo Losua, another film major. “The costumes and colors and stuff, it makes it feel really retro.”

Once Upon a Time In Hollywood will hit theaters on July 26th.

