Sasha Vengarick: Eastside Activist

Amira Tate
Pridesource Today
Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2018
from sasha’s instagram:@0hhhsasha

Sasha Vengarick is an Eastside senior and activist. She has many accomplishments, such as leading Eastside’s school walk out and speaking at the March for Our Lives AV.

As a young girl, Sasha knew that something was wrong with society and knew she wanted to make a change. She has always tried to stand up for people who were being treated unfairly or didn’t have a voice of their own.

The Parkland shooting really opened her eyes to the dangers of simply attending school. Eastside students felt unsafe, and so did she. Sasha decided to be the change that she wanted to see at school.

Eastside senior Ja’lynn Simon says, “Sasha is very sweet and intelligent. She is very passionate about her beliefs and hard working with the way she managed to put together all the events for the school shooting incidents.”

These things didn’t come naturally for her though. Sasha says, “I didn’t know how exactly how to step out of my comfort zone. But as soon as I reached out to administration, they did everything they could to make sure my voice was heard.”

Sasha continues to try and make a change around Eastside High and in the community. She wants a world in which everyone feels safe and gets a fair chance at life.

