Seniors Banned From Next Rally

Tamia Kelly
Pridesource Today
Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2019
Photo credit: @EastsideASB_ Instagram

According to ASB, Eastside administration has banned seniors from attending the Winter Rally. This announcement follows previous warnings, in which students were warned that their entire graduating class would be banned from the next rally if they broke any bleachers during today’s homecoming rally. During the second rally today, bleachers were broken in both the freshmen and the senior sections. For that reason, the Winter Rally will only be open to sophomores and juniors.

While that news is undoubtedly going to disappoint this year’s graduating class, there are still many other upcoming events to be excited about. And, for many students, these events have been a long time coming.

As a freshman, we have all been told to maintain good grades and stay out of trouble to be eligible for senior activities. While all students can attend homecoming and prom, seniors get additional activities like grad night, senior picnics, and senior scavenger hunts. These events are designed to celebrate the graduating class.

How do seniors feel about these activities?

“I am satisfied with the activities but I am looking forward to prom,” says senior Rochelly Ceciniros. “I participate in activities if I enjoy what we are doing and if it seems fun.”

But others would like to see more.

“I am not satisfied with the senior events,” says one senior who’d like to remain anonymous. “I was looking forward to activities like senior ditch day and senior picture day. It feels like we have been working hard for so long, I just want relief.”

“We have become seniors and I have not heard of any upcoming senior activities,” this senior continued. “We have been in school for a few months now and I am already ready for school to be out. If there were some activities throughout the year, I may want to attend school to be apart of it.”

Photo credit: Samantha Cazares

For students like this, the best part of senior year is graduation. High school is a long, drawn-out four years, and many just want to get it over with.

But senior class leadership wants to give students a chance to celebrate. They believe that there should be a mix of activities where seniors can take a break and enjoy these final months as a high school senior. They’re working to create fun events, where seniors get to enjoy the last remaining months before we become adults. Activities like this could help unmotivated students, like the one quoted above, to find some drive during their final year.

It’s especially important students find that drive now. Soon, these seniors will be making adult decisions, so it’s important to make the most of these last few months of being a teenager. Senior year is a chance to make memories so that you’ll have stories to tell in the future.

Grades are important, but they aren’t everything. Same with getting into college. Don’t put all your focus on the future and forget about the present. You don’t want to look back and realize that you haven’t enjoyed high school, that you skipped all the football games and homecoming.

How is it possible for you to let the present pass you by? You focus on what is going on later and you miss out on the opportunity to enjoy yourself right now. We all know that getting into college is a time-consuming process, but it’s also important to remember that senior year isn’t just the stepping-stone to college; it’s also an important time to spend with family and friends, to make memories before you all head off in different directions.

Let’s hope seniors have lots of future opportunities to do just that.

To learn more about upcoming senior events, be sure to follow @AdvisorEHS on Twitter.

Photo credit: Samantha Cazares



Tamia Kelly
Pridesource Today
Writer for

Follow me on instagram @typical_tamia