Should EHS Have Recycling Bins?

Lupe Laura Aparicio
Pridesource Today
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2019

A recycling bin is a container used to hold recyclables before they are taken to recycling centers. Recycling bins exist in various sizes for inside and outside homes, offices, and large public facilities. For all the recent focus on keeping our campus clean, recycle bins are noticeably absent around Eastside.

88% of Eastside students would like to see more recycling bins in the hallways and outdoor eating places.

Eastside senior Emely Mata support this proposal because she thinks it will teach students the importance of recycling. “I believe Eastside students will realize that the school is trying to make a difference in the school not only with the trash itself but recycling cans as well,” she says.

Eastside Spanish teacher Señor Andrade also supports the proposal. “Having recycling bins will help keep the campus clean,” he says. “It gives Eastside students the opportunity to learn how to recycle as well.”

“Having recycling bins at Eastside will be much better for the environment,” agreesEastside senior Melody Rabanal. “Not only will it be better for the environment, but it will help Eastside’s campus look so much nicer.”

“I’ve noticed that students throw away plastic water bottles in the trash,” she continues. “Eastside should have separate bins for recycling.”

Currently, the only students on campus who seem to care about recycling are part of our Special Education program. These students and their teachers will often go around to classrooms picking up recycling.

“There’s so much recycling that goes to waste,” says Eastside teacher Mrs. Perez. She works with SPED students. “We recycle and use that money to provide supplies for the kids and also helping the students buy things on their community trips.”

She supports the proposal as well. “It’ll be a lot cleaner for our students to collect the recycling around the school if Eastside students learn to put the recycling into the bins,” she says.

Melody Rabanal agrees. “Having separate bins will help the SPED students with having a cleaner and more organized bin for them to collect the recycling for their funds,” she says.

Even administrators are on board with the proposal.

“Having recycling bins will definitely be a good thing on our campus,” says Vice Principal Mr. Vierra. “Recycling bins are good for the environment and will teach students to take accountability for what they put into the environment.”

Perhaps, with support from so many different corners, this proposal for recycling bins around campus can become a reality before the 2019/2020 school year.

What do you think? Do you support this proposal? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

