Should The Voting Age Be Lowered To 16?

Ashley Madrigal
Pridesource Today
Published in
1 min readNov 2, 2018

In many states, sixteen-year-olds can drive, get a job, and pay taxes on their wages. But they can’t vote for two more years. Should the voting age be lowered to sixteen?

Alyssa, a student here at Eastside high school, thinks so. “Our opinion should matter too,” she says.

Alexa, a senior, disagrees. “I don’t think teens under 18 have the knowledge to vote on politics yet,” she says.

But many teenagers do have strong opinions about candidates, and some are very informed on political subjects. Watching speeches and searching the internet can help teens stay informed, just like their adult peers. Even those teens who aren’t informed could learn.

If sixteen-year-olds were able to vote, they would have a voice in the elections. And those elections would matter more to teens. In America, voting is one of the ways to show someone their voice matters.

