Stay in Line

Amira Tate
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7 min readFeb 19, 2019

“You follow the rules. You want to survive? You follow the damn rules.”

One. Never have too much faith in yourself. You’ll burn just as Icarus did.

Two. Keep your eyes glued to your shoes. Don’t look them in the eye unless you want yours blackened.

Three. You smile, even if that means you have to wire your lips up. You smile.

Four. Show them fear. They like to feel superior, egos like theirs needs to be blown up constantly.

Five. Remember, you are soft and weak. They are not.

Six. Trust no one in a uniform. I don’t care how pretty they smile or how their eyes glisten, you stay the hell away.

Seven. You save yourself. You trip others at the finish line, so long as you make it over.

Eight. You are not a fighter. You are a flower.

Nine. Don’t go anywhere alone, I don’t care if you are going to piss yourself, you will not enter a bathroom by yourself.

Ten. And for God’s sake, stay in line.

“You are not a fighter, you are a flower. You are not a fighter, you are a flower,” Rosie mumbled to herself as she passes her sister’s bedroom and entered her own.

The walls were colored a soft pink to create the illusion that everything was how she wanted, when in fact the room was slowly collapsing. She wouldn’t be surprised if the walls start crumbling under her fingertips. Their house was old and on the verge of a breakdown.

Cool air brushed against her bare legs, exposed from under her silk nightgown. The heat was off again and Rosie wasn’t surprised nor upset. She was just sleepy. That was all she was these days, tired. She and her older sister, Daisy, had been cleaning for the past four days. The house had to be spotless, as Daisy was meeting her husband tomorrow. She was three years older than Rosie and she was afraid. Not afraid in way her father taught them to be, but in the way the Ravens forced her to be. They had instilled fear into her older sister along with most of the population and Rosie didn’t want it to happen to her. She was to stay as far away from the Ravens as she could, for more than one reason.

Rosie decided not to ponder on the thought any longer, she crawled under heavy sheets and shifted into a comfortable position. She closed her eyes and rested for the night.

The next morning she awoke to the smell of sweet porridge. She moved into the kitchen to see Daisy standing over the stove and an abundance of food sitting on the counter. Daisy was already dress in a gown that brushed just below her knees, her hair pinned up, her eyes dark with terror.

Perfect. Just like they wanted.

Before Rosie could even think to sneak a piece of fruit from the shining tray her father busted in.

“Rosie? What are you doing in your nightgown?” He said, shoving himself into his suit jacket. “Go get ready, they will be here for your sister soon.”

She ran back to her room where she started getting ready without hesitation. Slipping out of her nightgown and into a new dress, she got ready quickly. She wandered over to her mirror to brush her hair and noticed that her eyes were fading from there natural brown and into a pale yellow. She quickly shut her eyes tight and shook her head, as if she could shake the magic away.

“You are not a fighter, you are a flower.” She said to her reflection, reminding herself.

When she looked at her eyes again, they were back to the deep brown she was born with. Fear started to creep up her back. This was not a good day for her to lose control again. She needed to remain calm, but her body shook with worry. She wouldn’t be able to stop it.

She brushed her hair quickly and rushed back downstairs to warn her father. She was under too much stress. Soon, she wouldn’t be able to control it, she has never been able to suppress it. It controlled her, almost as if she was not the owner of her body.

Upon entering the kitchen, she realized that their guest had arrived. There they stood in her cramped kitchen, Ravens in crisp black uniforms. There were four of them, each one holding glittering guns on their belts, knives stuffed in their boots, bloodlust in their eyes.

And there he was.

Jasper Cane, clad in his uniform. He looked put together and tailored, a complete difference from Rosie and her rough edges. Her father and sister sat at the table with Officer Luke. He looked at Daisy, enamoured, as he spoke about the conditions that Daisy would have to maintain to stay married with him. Jasper leaning against the counter, he looked disinterested. Like he had better things to do, for instance, beat innocent boys in the alleyways.

He cast Rosie a glance, his eyes lingering on the hem of her dress, which didn’t meet the knee length requirement. He raised an eyebrow at her before becoming bored again.

Six. Trust no one in a uniform. I don’t care how pretty they smile or how their eyes glisten, you stay the hell away.

“Rosie!” her father called out to her rushing over. He blocked her view of Jasper, bending over to whisper in her ear.

“Your eyes.”

Quickly, she shut them again and shook her head. A temporary solution to the problem.

“Is something the matter?” Jasper questioned, making his way over to the couple. Rosie’s father straightened up, still covering his daughter, “Nothing’s the matter, I was just telling Rosie that her dress was too short.”

“Rosie,” Jasper mumbled, as if testing the fit of the name in his mouth.

“The dress is short., Jasper continued.

“You would know,” another Raven jokes, poking Jasper with his elbow.

Rosie could feel a cold sweat coming on. There were too many of them in here, this was too big of a risk for her. But, she thought she could handle it.

One. Never have too much faith in yourself. You’ll burn just as Icarus did.

“Why don’t you step out of the way old man, we will see if her dress meets the requirements,” Jasper said, inching closer.

“No, don’t worry, sir. I’m sending her up now to change.” Rosie watched her father turn towards the men, but kept his head tilted down.

Four. Show them fear. They like to feel superior, egos like theirs need to be blown up constantly.

“What are you hiding?” All of the Ravens seemed to be closing in on them. Rosie could feel bile rising in her throat. She felt the need to run, bolt out of the door.

“Move or we will make you move.”

“No! Stop.” Daisy leaned over the table, only to be struck across the face by her husband.

“You, stay in line.” He gripped her by the collar of her dress.

Five. Remember, you are soft and weak. They are not.

“We aren’t hiding anything. My daughter is just not dressed appropriately. Please, let’s continue going over the arrangements for Daisy.” As he spoke to them he tried to push Rosie back, encouraging her to leave. But, there was no time. Raven’s lifted their guns, they had no hesitation nor consequence.

“Step aside.”

There was a pause before he took cautious steps to the side, revealing Rosie.

Gasps echoed off the hollow walls.

Jasper’s lips curled into a sickening smile, “She’s a witch.”

“She’s only fifteen.” Daisy pleaded from the arms of Officer Luke.

“That’s old enough to work. To marry,” Jasper spoke, his voice low.

Everyone knew what a working witch did. They killed people in high positions, they robbed the neighboring towns, they turned dirt into riches for those who didn’t deserve them. They were monsters.

Rosie couldn’t work for the Ravens, she wasn’t soulless like them. She wouldn’t use her magic in such evil ways. In fact, she didn’t use her magic at all.

“Right, Rosie?” Jasper’s words were sickly sweet.

Three. You smile, even if that means you have to wire your lips up. You smile.

“Look at her, I think we have our answer.”

Rosie contemplated running. She was closer to the door, she would have a head start and magic on her side. But, they have her family and bloodthirsty bullets.

Seven. You save yourself. You trip others at the finish line, so long as you make it over.

A part of her wanted to stay and protect her family. The only family she has ever known, they protected her. But, her father would want her to run, to get out of that town and save herself, she wanted to get out that town and save herself.

Rosie’s heart beat wildly against her chest, she thought she would pass out.

“Rosie, come here.” Jasper’s voice drastically softened. He became the man he knew Rosie wanted. Rosie wanted safety and comfort and Jasper was willing to offer that to her. For a price.

“You can have all you desire. Freedom, jewels, real food, come on.” He opened his arms welcoming her in. “You know what’s best for you and your family. They can live a good life with you.”

But, Rosie knew. No one was free here, no one lived a good life. Not even the Ravens.

“Do the right thing.”

Eons seemingly passed by. Rosie thought hard, if she were to get away right now would she be able to leave the town with the strict border control? But, did she want to use her magic in such disgusting ways?

“Rosie.” She wasn’t sure who had said. Maybe she imagined it. It didn’t matter, she had made up her mind. Rosie walked into the warm arms of Jasper, who in return brought her in close.

“I always knew you were smart. Now, you and your family will live in luxury. You are no fighter, you are a flower.”

Ten. And for God’s sake, stay in line.

