The Flash: What Will happen in season 5?

Khamiliah Dunmeyer
2 min readSep 28, 2018


(Caution you will only understand this if you watched The Flash Season 4)

In the final season of Episode 4, there was a cliffhanger, where an unexpected guest from the future needs help getting back home. This unexpected guest, Nora West-Allen is Iris and Barry’s daughter from the future who went too far into the past.

Nora West-Allen

In the first episode of Season 5, Team Flash is trying to figure out how to get Nora back home without altering the timeline. At the same time they have to fight an evil meta. Also in this episode we’ll find out why Nora is stuck in the past.

In a recent interview with Eastside High School student, Cole Tanner I asked him some questions. One question I asked was “ What do you expect to happen in season 5?” He answered, “ Well I’m the comics Mr. negative is hunting Nora and berry has to sacrifice himself to save her hence the news article where he’s missing”. The next question I asked was, “ Why do you think Nora is stuck in the past?” He answered with “She went back and she talked to her parents and it created a paradox in time.”

