Are Celebrities Just A Distraction From Real Issues?

Monte Brown
Pridesource Today
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2019

It is no secret that many Americans in 2019 are more focused on celebrity drama than on the issues currently impact our planet. These misplaced priorities seem especially evident for teens, who can be especially obsessed with celebrities.

“The majority of teens today only focus on what they care about rather than political issues and climate change,” said B’Elanna Garcia, an Eastside junior.

As B’Elanna points out, celebrity drama can prove a welcome distraction from real-world conflicts happening on our planet. These threats — ranging from Iran’s access to uraniam to Brexit to Trump’s escalating tweets — can be overwhelming. No wonder celebrity drama consistently seems to be trending ahead of these world issues.

“People are scared that what has been talked about with the environment is becoming a reality,” says sophomore Tiarra Davidson. “They are using the drama and news from other celebrities to distract.”

By focusing on celebrities, people can ignore the fact that something major is happening in the world around them. Fear of the inevitable is easy to escape when you have the help of YouTube and celebrity media.

Celebrity worship is a big issue as people are becoming too involved and attached to celebrities, to the point that they cannot stop seeking for new, fresh “tea.” Social media is wiping away the world’s true issues and replacing them with celebrity drama, especially for teens.

“They look up to celebrities and think they know them and think these celebrities matter more than the world itself,” says junior Rafel Mayen.

Ironically, these feuds just serve to popularize many celebrities, meaning that they have every reason to keep them coming.

“Gossip is much more entertaining than following our world’s problem,” says junior Ja’Lynn Jupiter.

Hollywood and YouTube’s fame industry continues to distract people from the real issues happening on this very planet. Perhaps it would be better for teens to focus more on the planet that they need, not on the petty drama that they seek.

