What Do EHS Students Have Against AVC?

Katherine Tran
Pridesource Today
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2019

When asked what they want to do after high school, most seniors jump to universities or work. But what about community colleges like Antelope Valley College (AVC)? Are they a worthwhile option for seniors unsure about what comes next?

For those looking to watch their spending, community college is a much cheaper alternative to a traditional four-year university. One year at a community college can cost around $4,000, as opposed to an average annual cost of approximately $25,000 for an in-state university and $40,000 for an out-of-state university. Going to a community college for the first two years and then transferring to a traditional university would still allow Eastside students to finish their college in the same amount of time, but it could save them nearly $40,000 in college debt.

So why isn’t this option one that gets more consideration?

“Some people hate the idea of community college because they may think it isn’t as good as going to a four-year school or because they don’t offer that college party life you’d find at universities,” says junior Paul Rodriguez.

Would that discourage him from going to a community college? Not at all.

“Community college is a great way for many to get an education without having to worry as much about the financial aspect,” he says. “I wouldn’t be against attending a community college at all.”

“It costs less money,” agrees sophomore Skylor Pollard. “And it sometimes gives you more opportunities because, from what I’ve heard, universities have stricter schedules. [Community college] is more flexible for what you need in life, like giving you time to work or do other activities.”

Sophomore Mia Erazo doesn’t want to attend a community college, but she can understand the people who do. “I think it’s great for people with lower incomes and those who want to graduate fast,” she says.

What do you think? Are you considering attending a community college? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

