Liberty. Equality. Data. Podcast Episode #6 with Ann Cavoukian

Data value and privacy: A win-win for all players in the data ecosystem.

Paulius Jurcys


How do we design applications for the highest utility for individuals? Must we always share data with third parties that offer services to us or can we have an opportunity to say “no” to data sharing? Is it possible to combine data privacy and utility? How can we make sure that the value from personal data and utility remains with the individual?

In the sixth episode of the Liberty. Equality. Data. podcast we are delighted to welcome Dr. Ann Cavoukian to discuss issues around data privacy, utility, and ongoing trends towards decentralization of data. Ann is one of the world’s leading privacy experts and has been recognized as being among the Top Women in Tech.

Ann is most well known as the visionary and a thought leader in all matters related to data privacy. One of her most impactful accomplishments is the notion of “Privacy by Design” — a framework based on proactively embedding privacy into the design and operation of IT systems, networked infrastructure, and business practices. In the past, Ann served three terms as the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Canada and is helping businesses…



Paulius Jurcys

IP | Data | Privacy | Ethics | Harvard CopyrightX. I share views on innovation, creativity & how technology is making this world a more fun place to live in.