Webinar Recap: “So Much Data — Where Are Our Intelligent Apps?”

More data on the user side should lead to the creation of more intelligent apps. What are the current trends in the personal data market? How can brands, developers, and entrepreneurs create new tools that would activate user-held data? How will the personal data ecosystem look in 5–10 years?

Paulius Jurcys


On May 6, 2021, Prifina and partners organized a live webinar “So Much Data — Where Are Our Intelligent Apps?”

Prifina’s CEO Markus Lampinen was acting as a host-moderator and three rockstar panelists, each of whom is working projects that are closely related to possible uses of personal data, took part in this virtual discussion:

  • Kathy Giori is an IOT guru who is building cutting-edge solutions that combine sensors, edge devices, and publicly available data;
  • Vik Kashyap, COE of ToiLabs — creator of a smart toilet which is equipped with smart sensors and which offers personal health data analytics to the individual 24/7 at home;
  • Martynas Bieliūnas, Managing Partner, Privacy Partners, who is consulting companies in a wide array of industries and helping them to build innovative privacy solutions.

👇 Scroll down to find Five Takeaways below.



Paulius Jurcys

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