How to Build Effective Communication Skills as a Leader

Nikki Maurer


No matter what you do, whether you’re a business owner, solopreneur, or stay at home parent, you need to implement effective communication in your life. We’re leaders of our own lives, and we need to look at everything as an opportunity to use our charisma and leadership skills to obtain our chosen goal.

If you find that open and effective communication is something you’re struggling with, know that you’re not alone. Many leaders struggle to build teams and bring people together with their leadership.

What’s most important is that you’re here and you want to improve your communication skills.

The Importance of Quality Communication in Leadership

Communication is everything; it’s the foundational function of leadership success. You cannot be a successful leader without being a great communicator. Leaders need to develop relationships and hone their coaching skills to achieve great things in their professional and personal lives.

Think of everything you want to accomplish with your team. All of that will disappear without open and active communication. Strategies will far apart, organization will dissipate, and morale will plummet.

It’s not enough to say that communication is important for leadership; it’s critical.

How to Build Communication Skills

If you understand the importance of communication, now you need the steps to take to improve your skills. Here are a few tips to help you on your journey:

Don’t be afraid of over communicating — In a study performed by Stanford University, they asked people to tap 120 famous songs, and the other group would have to identify the song they tapped. In the end, only 2.5 percent of the songs were correctly identified. People will only absorb so much information, so you need to communicate with your team and then communicate again.

Listen first — It’s incredible how essential listening is when it relates to communication. Don’t be afraid to listen to what other people have to say and use that to accomplish your goals. You need to understand the needs of your team if you expect them to understand yours.

No one-size-fits-all — There is no one size fits all option when it comes to communication. You must realize that you’re leading people of all different backgrounds and learning abilities. The best leaders cater to the needs of their team before their own needs.

How Coaching Can Improve Your Communication

If you feel like you’re unable to increase your communicating abilities on your own, you might benefit from some of the one-on-one coaching available with Priizm. In 30 minutes, we’ll help you clear your mind and achieve mental clarity. We’ll work with you to provide you a solution to your communication problems so you can take control of your team and get back on track.

