Shift Happens

Nikki Maurer
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2019

The story goes that God gave us the brain to work out problems, but we ended up using it to create more problems. Sound familiar?

Maybe that’s not fair on our brains. After all, life often throws more at us than we’re ready (or willing, or able) to catch. It can be particularly frustrating to think that “if it wasn’t just for x, things would be going according to plan.”

Sure, but you know what they say: Shift happens.

In fact, shifts are vitally important for our mental clarity and ability to problem solve. It might not feel like it, particularly if we’re stuck in a responsive or reactionary role, but why not try this the next time that you’re confronted by the impossible?

Lean into the shift.

“Shifts” are powerful. They have the ability to changing our mindset, the context of how we are experiencing something or someone or can provide clarity about a situation, decision or relationship.

Which isn’t the same thing as saying that it’s easy.

When we’re trying to process these things on our own, it can be impossible to work out what needs to change. Which is where Priizm comes in.

One-on-one coaching helps you to clear through the debris, sort out the brilliance from the bullshit, and empowers you to take control of the things that feel impossible. Because in case you were wondering, nothing is impossible. Just sometimes you need a helping hand.

So if you feel like you could do with some help when it comes to your mental hygiene, why not give a 30-minute session with one of our trained life coaches a try? You’ll be amazed at the difference that it makes.

We give a shift so that you can get shift done.

