The Power of Quality Questions

Nikki Maurer
Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2019

You have heard, “The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask”. These questions could be directed towards yourself or another person, like a personal coach or even a team you’re leading.

Most of us flow on auto-pilot, never bothering to ask ourselves what things we love, or whether we are living up to our full potential. As a result, few ever achieve the clarity that leads to happiness.

By asking better questions, your career, relationships, health, and general wellbeing can improve dramatically. You’ll be well on the way to achieving the life you’ve always envisioned.

This article will guide you through a mental hygiene cleansing exercise: we aim to challenge the things you thought were unchangeable by changing the questions you ask.

What’s a Good Question?

If you ask a dumb question, you’ll get a silly answer. People are always looking for answers, but the reason answers are elusive is that the questions are wrong. The secret behind high-quality questions is presupposing — and this is the tool your on-demand coaches at apply.

There’s nothing wrong with asking, “Can you go there?” for example. However, leaders understand the power of moving the conversation along with presupposition. If I ask, “How can you get there?” I have presumed your ability to go there — you can, if only we figure out how.

Good quality questions help to propel the recipient forward — this is the best-kept secret among therapists and one-on-one coaching pros. Asking quality questions is the reason you leave personal coaching sessions feeling better, and yet the therapist/coach didn’t give you any answers. They asked the right questions, allowing you to find the answers inside yourself.

A quality question presumes that there’s a solution — it just needs to be found. It eliminates the possibility of a truly hopeless answer, which is great because no situation is ever genuinely desperate. There’s always a solution waiting to be found.

How to Ask Good Quality Questions

If you’re wondering how to get new insights into a problem you care about, take time to make up better questions, then try to answer them.

Sometimes you need a sounding board to get you through this process, and that’s where a unique helper from Priizm is helpful. Sitting with someone who is unbiased and has a different worldview can open your mind to unconsidered angles.

Once you have your sounding board, do a quick emotion check to make sure you’re in the right frame to tackle the questions. Brainstorm with your Priizm coach to find unique questions about the problem. Finally, look at the questions which evoke the most emotion or bring up new perspectives. Then try to answer them honestly.

Final Thoughts

To unmask the real power of asking quality questions, you should commit to the process. Set aside enough time and commit to seeing the process through, even if it evokes feelings you don’t like.

Take control of the situation by writing down concrete actions you can take immediately to effect solutions learned from your questions. You’ll soon be able to level up on your journey through life, as well as achieve positive results even when tackling negative situations.

