What we all have in common with dirty dishes

Nikki Maurer
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2019

Picture this: you’re speeding through your week like the super parent, student, professional (or all of the above) powerhouse you are. You regularly whip up balanced meals with fancy, non-stick cookware. You also like to perk up and calm down hectic days with coffee and wine — putting your collection of specialty mugs and glasses to good use daily.

Sadly, you’ve hit a rut and your routine starts to suffer. Instead of cleansing those dirty dishes as they’re made, you let them sit for a while and hope someone else gets to it. If you live alone, this thought process is even more twisted.

Suddenly those expensive skillets aren’t as shiny or resilient anymore and one particularly groggy morning you reach for a mug and notice there aren’t any. They’re all in the sink — among other, germy invaders.

What could have been a simple chore if addressed in the beginning has now become a fully-gloved project. Your precious kitchenware needs urgent attention and your next meal will have to wait.

Sure, the dishes will be just fine in the end, but what about our minds? What happens to our wellbeing when we slack on our mental hygiene?

When we fail to process our goals, desires, fear and doubts, we set ourselves up for breakdowns that take much longer to overcome.

How often are we told to beware of red flags when they appear in relationships or write down yearly, monthly, weekly and daily goals in order to bring them to fruition? How often do we try to implement these habits, but end up falling short? Don’t wait until your world becomes a warzone to seek help.

Prevent your next breakdown with Priizm — an on-demand, one-on-one coaching service designed to pair you with a wellness coach when you need it most. Priizm’s verified coaches are trained for listening and assisting with problem-solving.

The same way our dishes lay dormant and ignored in the sink, our lives remain stagnant when we let fear control us. Sometimes friends and family are there to pick us up. Other times we need an unbiased, professional opinion to help us achieve emotional clarity and take control of our mental health.

With the casual, intuitiveness of a best friend (but credentials similar to a therapist) personal coaching provides a sounding board for your inner thoughts. Priizm’s top coaches are unique helpers devoted to helping you flow through life’s trials and optimize your potential at one low cost per session — because we all deserve to level up.

Real-time coaching is available on any device, anywhere, anytime at HelloPriizm.com.

