Can arts and crafts make kids confident?

Priyanka Singh
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2017

Who does not love art? Children love art naturally. Be it painting, crafting, drawing or music, they love to spend time with it. But when it comes to the present scenario, it is so disheartening to see how casually art & crafts are being considered. Academics are important as they make your future, but arts and crafts are even more important as they make you a better and a confident person.

Physiologically, when the left brain works for logical and analytical thinking process, the right brain plays a vital role in creative thinking. One part of the brain is completely neglected and ignored by us when we do not practice and encourage arts and crafts in our daily lives. When you wish to see some unexpected things from your kids or from your own selves, it is important that you should involve your brain in it and ensure both the hemispheres in the brain works efficiently. But when you ignore one hemisphere, you are refraining from the great things to happen.

There are numerous benefits that one can reap by exposing the children to art. When you make your kids indulge in arts and crafts, you are actually making your kid,

Ø Think creatively and with sophistications

Ø Learns things with observation, concentration, focus and thus interpret

Ø Express their feelings and emotions through art

Ø Practice critical thinking skill, problem-solving skill, art making skill.

Ø Learn things, with play and fun

Ø Prepare herself/himself physically, emotionally and excel in all walks of life.

Ø Face life with confidence

There have been various researches done and one of the researchers from the university of Michigan state have found out that there is a strong correlation between the engagement in arts and crafts in childhood with the success in the later part of life. Kids who were exposed to arts and crafts at an early age and were encouraged to do varied art projects during their childhood, were likely very unique in their thoughts. They came up with great innovative ideas to start their own company and were very bold to try and do things ‘out of the box’.

And how can you raise an ‘out of the box’ thinkers at your home? Just follow these tips and you’d be delighted you did this.

Ø Make the arts and crafts supplies always available at home. You never know hen your child would come up with a brilliant idea.

Ø When your child makes something, celebrate your child’s work. Exhibit them on the wall at home or send it to school to encourage the artwork.

Ø Find out what form of art your child is interested in. If he/she shows great interest in arts and crafts, enroll in a nearby art class or a crafts workshop.

Your child is at home as the crazy long summer vacation is on. If you’ve been thinking where to enroll your artsy kid and boost his imaginative and creative power, contact Prika for more advice and suggestions.

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