“Craft Enthusiast”- Harshita Mehrotra

Priyanka Singh
Published in
3 min readJul 11, 2017
“Craft Enthusiast”- Harshita Mehrotra

We are excited to introduce you to our “Craft Enthusiast” ……” Harshita Mehrotra” who is an engineer by profession but crafter by passion, works in a bank full time and boss of her own creations part time.

This is what Harshita speaks about her journey in pursuing her passion all along creating beautiful things and what inspired her to keep doing this.

I started almost 15 years back when I learnt about handmade cards and origami.. I remember making boats and houses out of waste paper and colouring them with beautiful paints in my crafts class in school. I use to put them in my school books as book marks. When I moved to college it got a bit different when there was no time for crafts and I started to spend time with books. As I moved to further year of college, my hostel roommate was crazy about paper craft and with her I started following my passion again. We use to make paper cutting designs and decorate the empty walls of our hostel rooms. We started making handmade cards out of colourful papers. There was no stopping then. I use to make cards and gift it to friends. Soon people around me started to ask me to make cards for them. Gradually it increased and I started spending most of my time with colours and papers.

Working with colour papers was a kind of meditation for me. It had to be just perfect and unique.

After I finished college and started working, it got a little lost somewhere but I still use to find out time on lousy weekends or whenever insomnia struck me.

Handmade Card by Harshita Mehrotra

Her Most Favourites:

I love making handmade cards and origami. They are my favourite. As kids we all have made paper boats but as we grow up we tend to forget it all. I just love what paper folding can do. Every fold or crease made precisely makes beautiful things. I usually make these, collect them over a period of time and decorate my house with it. It is also good to gift it to friends as a token of love. They can be arranged in patterns on walls or used as book marks or transformed into wall hangings. Origami boxes can be used to keep small stuff at home or as gift boxes.

Origami Boxes by Harshita Mehrotra

Future Plans:

Today I make cards for friends and people around for different occasions. I would love to showcase my hand skills to others and show them how a paper can be transformed into beautiful things. Paper crafts is a budget friendly way of decorating your surroundings.

Message for All:

I recommend everyone who loves any kind of crafts to continue doing it and enjoy every bit of it. Hand skills are rare and should be used to the fullest.

Keep Following for more from Prika-All About Crafts!!

