Craft Enthusiast- “Manasa Priya Yedla”

Priyanka Singh
Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2018

Hello Craftpreneurs,

There’s always moments in life where your priority changes and you have to choose between your dreams and your loved once…but achivements can be in any phase of your life whether being a mother, a expert professions or even an creative person… we are here with another talented crafter “Craft Enthusiast of the Week…..Manasa Priya Yedla” who shares her inspiring story of how she began crafting, her journey of being an crafter and what inspired her to pursure such an creative role for herself…..

This is what Manasa speaks about her journey as a crafter and her story in her own words….

Hello Fellow Crafters, I am Manasa Priya, a paper crafter from Bangalore. We are a native of Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. I did my Masters in Business Administration and psychology and worked as a banker before I decided to stay at home with my toddler and pursue crafting as a career.

I have a huge obsession for recycling and reusing discarded stuff. That’s how I began crafting. Since childhood, always loved making cards and decor with whatever little supplies I had. It was a self learning experience throughout.. be it watching art and craft shows over television, pinning projects on Pinterest or following tutorials on YouTube.. I always learnt everything over practice.

My early memories of crafting would be observing my mother do home decor and paintings, copying projects and drawings that used be featured on Young World, The Hindu. Was a huge fan of Television craft projects on Art Attack as well. Crafting was a big time hobby ever since i have known.

Her Inspiration:

With the increased adversities and global warming, pollution in all ways has become a huge problem. If all of us can think of recycling and upcycling, we can at least stop from making it worse. That’s the thought, that inspired me to reuse, recycle and upcycle old stuff. That’s the whole idea I began “Upcycled” with a Motto of “Creating lesser footprint and greater memories”

Her Most Favourites:

My favorite is creating home and party decor according to themes and seasons. I enjoy Decoupaging as well.

Her Style of Crafting:

Die hard paper crafter, love adopting latest styles. I adopt contemporary styles. Pastels are a huge obsession.

Future Plans:

It’s been less than a year that I have been pursuing crafting a career. I love the way this is going. In the near future, I would like to have my own craft studio space which conducts regular workshops and camps for all ages and all kinds of arts. That way I can still be updated with the latest in the industry and pursue my passion.

Message for All:

Well, let me refer a quote here.. “ Everbody is a Genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live it’s whole life believing that it is stupid” . In my experience never compare your work to others. Every Person has a Unique style of crafting and you be the best at yours. Be confident and consistent in what you are doing and one can reach many heights.

We hope Manasa’s story has been a great inspiration to others who wish to create beautiful things for themselves and others….just be the best and compete within yourself…..

You can reach out to Manasa Priya and “Upcycled” on below social media Links:

Facebook Page:

Blog Link:

Instagram Link:

More Inspiration coming from us…Keep Following :Prika “All About Crafts”

