The Boss of You: Everything a woman needs to know to start, run and maintain her own business!

Priyanka Singh
Published in
3 min readJun 30, 2017

Starting up a new venture right from the scratch is no cake walk. You got to be passionate. You got to be practical. You got to play the cards wisely. If you miss a single shot, it could shut your business down. But if you played it prudently, no one can stop you from touching the skies. Lately, woman have been stealing the entrepreneurship stage and have been hogging the business limelight. It is either because of their excellent management skills or because of their persistence to reach their goals in their businesses.

As the title goes on, a woman can become her own boss and rule the show. She can start from the scratch with ease, make it to the top in no time and she can maintain it for quite a long time that anticipated. But there are a few things that a woman should keep in mind while starting up a new business. These tips for starting, running and maintain your won business would be handy, and you will really be able to implement them as they are simple and realistic.

Read on to know more

Starting up a new business?

  • Be real and be unique:

Ask yourself whether your concept is real or a replica of an existing business model? Only when you have unique and innovative concepts that’d catch the audience’s attention, you’d be able to make a place in the market. Else you will have to blend in the majority and you’ll hardly be recognised.

  • Follow your passion and launch on the emerging market:

Don’t just start your business for the heck of doing it. Do things that you enjoy and that you love doing. Launch your concept in the emerging market. When you have competitors, do not panic. Reach up to a level that no one would be able to compete with you. Establishing good networks would help you a lot while launching.

How to run your business?

  • Jump and keep moving:

Hurdles are common wherever you go. Keep jumping and keep moving. Even if you had started your business successfully, there would be a time when you will feel like giving up. Hold on to your dreams. Try to become more resilient to failures and challenges. Don’t leave any space for disappointments and dismays. Keep your heads high and keep going.

  • Keep reminding yourself of the goals and your dreams:

If you feel like giving up, keep yourself reminded of why you started in the first place. Make a dream chart and stick it in your living or in your office, where you will keep looking at it more often. This will help you as a reminder and it will give you more energy to continue working. This will eventually sail you off that phase and you will continue somehow.

How to maintain your business?

  • Keep your goals realistic and be the real owner:

You cannot have a successful business launch and expect a hefty turnover overnight. You need to be persistent and you need to try to keep things on the road. Having unreachable goals will discourage you when you don’t achieve. Instead, practical goals will encourage and motivate you and will make you do more. When you set your goals, don’t let others work on it. It will be YOUR goal that others will together work on. And likewise, when transactions happen, it will happen only after YOU approve.

  • Share the workload, but not the ownership:

In order to keep yourself moving, you cannot make yourself do everything on your own. You need to share the workload and ensure that people learn to do things as per your expectations. Ensure that everyone under you knows what your expectations are. Make sure that you keep reminding them of it. Let them learn if they don’t know to. Share the work, but not the ownership. Only you will hold the rights and responsibility of the organisation unless and until you have a business partner.


