The Entrepreneurship Mania!

Priyanka Singh
Published in
3 min readMay 30, 2017
The Entrepreneurship Mania!!

Gone are the days when people slogged to score high marks just to get into the top universities, get the IIT and IIM tags onto their qualifications and grab the thick salary packages. It is the era of talent, passion and determination. With just the right talent and appropriate skill, you’d reach heights you had never imagined. With the passion for achieving a specific goal and some entrepreneurship skill, you are bound to make wonders. Entrepreneurs have fetched the limelight now. The country which had more engineers and software developers have more entrepreneurs today than what we had a couple of years ago. The number is just surging with each day and the small ideas are transformed into the biggest highlights in the industrial standards, globally.

With this growth, the economy of the country is gradually developing and increasing. Entrepreneurs are no less than any treasure or an asset to the country as they add so much value to the growth and the development of the economy. The dreams of a common man are changing from just earning money to achieve something that they had always longed for or they had always wanted to. Over the years, entrepreneurs have gained more popularity for their unique approach and the urge to make a difference in every possible way. When men are taking a leap and making a difference in the society and the workplace with their entrepreneurship, woman are no longer lagging behind. They are on par with the men counterparts and have left no stone unturned to make a cliché in the present with their excellent skills and a passion for making their dreams come true.

Women who are passionate and have the determination made it to the headlines, making a mark in the good books of entrepreneurs. However, there are stories which speak of the other side of the entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is not a cake walk that you can do and grab the place in the headlines overnight. It requires the zeal, the determination, and a lot of sacrifices. But whoever does not give up on all of these makes it to the top, flying with colours.

So if you have the right skill and the talent to make a difference in any possible way, don’t hold yourself back. Get off yourself from the comfort zone and follow your dreams. Challenge yourself . Create an opportunity and make a difference. For, the result you’ll see is worth all the effort!

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