Could the 2016 U.S. Election Tie, and Would There Be Chaos if it Did?

James Duncan
Primal Light Press
Published in
5 min readJun 19, 2016

First, this is not an actual prediction of the 2016 presidential election ending in anarchy, just your friendly online neighbor pointing out that there is an actual possibility of a tie — and unfortunately, a little chaos to go with it. The question is, what to do about it?

“But how could 319 million potential voters hit upon an exact tie?” you scoff.

Because you’re not really voting for the president, that’s how.

You’re smart. I know you already realize we have an Electoral College and that this fall you’ll actually be voting for a batch of clandestine, unnamed electors rather than an actual presidential candidate. But did you ever really think about:

1. In many states, those electors you vote for on November 8th aren’t bound by law to select the candidate you want when they meet to carry out the real presidential election on December 19th. Who are these people with such power? I don’t know them, do you?

2. There are an even number of electors across the entire country that make up the Electoral College, 538, meaning even if they don’t purposefully screw you (which they probably will) they can still split down the middle to give us a tie of 269 to 269 regardless of there being a clear popular vote winner. (Side note: Why the hell do we have an equal number of electors that can result in a tie? Is adding or subtracting one that hard America?)

3. In this already tense American political environment, what happens if people wake up on November 9th and realize the House of Representatives is going to pick their next president regardless of the popular vote result? Regardless of YOUR vote.

The House of Representatives, really?

Yep, that’s how a 269 to 269 electoral tie is decided — by the numbnuts who are already screwing up the country through partisanship, corruption and just general douchiness. That should go well.

Wanna bet on whether or not the guy who so proudly wore that “rock the vote” sticker on his red or blue T-shirt, and thought his vote actually counted for something, isn’t going to want to turn around and shove that sticker down the throat of someone who is wearing the opposite color red/blue T-shirt?

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” … John Adams, Founding Father and 2nd President of the United States

“This is gonna be yuuuuuuuuuuge!” …Donald Trump, One of Our Current Choices Somehow

Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe those Trump supporters who are cold-cocking people and pepper spraying teenage girls at rallies will be really cool. Maybe those lefties who were burning American flags outside his rallies, or the people who almost destroyed Baltimore last year, will just want to chillax. Nobody is going to feel like “the system” took their vote away. Nope. Not a bit.

And besides, how probable is a tie?

Well, an Electoral College tie has actually happened three times before in American history, and most people didn’t think it was probable at this point in our current election that our final three choices would have been a narcissistic, sunburnt manatee in a blonde wig, a 116-year-old communist, and the most corrupt woman in America. Seems like crazy is on the menu this year.

Given the intensity (lunacy?) that has already begun to ferment on the extreme right and left through the past decade, I’m just wondering what the ramifications would be of a tied election occurring during potentially the most divisive, extreme, partisan period in American history since the mid-1800s.

In the past year and a half, we’ve already had racial and economic tensions from a deluge of questionable police shootings, numerous urban riots (Ferguson, Baltimore, and smaller ones), several domestic mass shootings (Orlando and others), a terrorist attack on US soil (San Bernardino), and two of the ugliest primaries in modern times, with the promise of the general election only getting more intense. What’s next? I don’t think ISIS takes summers off.

My point? Only that if there should be any perceived “improprieties” during this election’s outcome things sure could get a little sketchy, especially if people get too wound up and invested in their particular side’s outcome.

Could it happen here?

So maybe, scandalous as it sounds, the sanest thing we can all do this year is NOT “rock the vote.” Maybe get stoned on November 8th instead and watch funny videos of cats being scared by cucumbers (trust me, it’s worth it).

This election, maybe the best thing we can do for the country is just let whatever corrupt shill of the two-party system that wins just do their shitty corrupt thing for the next four years, and not get too bent out of shape over it.

But then, immediately after this current debacle, start planning for the next election. Immediately move forward from here on out determined to find men and women of actual conscious and intelligence to elect as our leaders, instead of all the crooks and idiots we currently get to choose from.

Start voting for the best people, smartest people, the people with real morals not just sound bites. Start voting regardless of two-party propaganda.

Anyway, that’s my quick rant. Regardless, whatever happens for the rest of this year it is certainly going to be interesting. And if you try the weed and cat video thing, you might be pleasantly surprised.

…if this article didn’t make you want to gouge your eyes out, I could sure use your help hitting that little “recommend” button below. Thanks!…

Author James R Duncan’s novel, Blood Republic, explores the premise set forth in this article; of the country collapsing into a second civil war of conservatives versus liberals after a disputed presidential election. It is now on pre-sale, with a July 4th publication date. More details, and a free preview, can be found at Amazon or Primal Light Press.



James Duncan
Primal Light Press

Reformed Options Market-Maker, contributor to The Libertarian Republic, and author of Blood Republic from