Primalbase April Report

Primalbase Team
Published in
6 min readMay 1, 2018

April — It’s the month of growth, renewal and new beginnings, a sentiment that we can really relate to.

Over the last few months we’ve planted a lot of seeds that are now on their way to fully blooming. Our Amsterdam and Berlin offices are getting busier with token-holders and tenants. The communities are really beginning to really buzz!

Our London location is also moving forward rapidly. We are in construction mode on one of the top floors of an awesome office in the centre of the city — it has great views of St. Paul’s Cathedral.

Careful steps and decisions are also being taken towards our possible office location in New York!

This past month brought some more changes including a new format for our weekly chat, new appointments and a lot of small improvements that benefit the community. We are gearing up for the summer and thrilled about what the future will bring!


Monica-Diana Tartau — Office & Events Management Intern Berlin

We are excited to introduce you to our latest team member, Monica. Originally from Romania, Monica completed her Bachelor and Master’s studies in Agribusiness in the Netherlands. Through numerous courses and internships in the field, she has gained extensive practical experience in operations management, which she can apply perfectly during her internship at Primalbase.

After living and studying in several European cities, Monica moved to Berlin in 2016 to work as a freelance Event Manager. What she loves most about Berlin is the city’s rough edges and its diverse crowd, as well as the continuously developing startup scene.

“I believe in the innovative power of communities. The more inspiring people are put together in one place, the more they will share and borrow each other’s ideas. I want to excel in the art of creating and improving such spaces, where original thinkers, innovators and doers will feel comfortable and well.”


Primalbase AMS
This month we have welcomed a number of new token holders in our Amsterdam office. The majority of them were traveling for business and stopped by to work in the AMS office for a day or two. It was great to see some new faces working at this location!

Another thing we are really excited about is the new design for our logo wall. We have decided to go for something typical Amsterdam; the famous canal houses. A great, local graffiti artist will make sure it will definitely be an eye-catcher in our office. Come check it out next month. We also made some small but essential improvements to help our overall security in our office space.

Just for your information our 4PBT office is available next month, so in order to make sure it is yours, book the office by sending an email to

Primalbase BER
Some updates on the construction side of our BER office: Beautiful glass partitionings aiming to separate the boardroom and the lounge area will be, installed in the beginning of May. Afterwards, meetings and workshops will be able to take place in an intimate yet open environment.

Finally, we made some final steps in order to bring to make the office a more pleasant and enjoyable place to work. The lounge area, as well as the co-working space, will be brightened up by an assortment of plants and flower and other small improvements.

We are looking forward to hosting numerous networking events, meetups and courses in the near future.

Primalbase LDN
For the London office we can inform you that we are in the final stages of pre-production with our preferred construction partners, which naturally involves tons of planning. We are eager to get our hands dirty and can’t wait to start the renovation process shortly. The sleek design elements look great and innovative and we have chosen some unique ‘London’ touches which we are very excited about. We plan to start our construction work in the next two weeks and aim to host the opening party in July.

Primalbase NYC & Primalbase SIN
We are still working hard on finalizing the details on the New York office, located in the Brooklyn area (DUMBO). We have visited one specific office location several times and we feel that this might be the best spot to house a Primalbase office. We have already looked into suitable floor plans and together with our architect we made a possible division of the space which we hope to share with you soon.

Singapore is still planning to open accordingly to plan by the end of this year.


We are working on the backend development and design of the leasing functionality and booking journey interfaces (orders creation, payments, wallets linking and the booking calendar). Also, we constantly test our solution internally and improve it because in our opinion the booking journey should not be complicated to improve user adoption. In next reports we will provide more details about these processes.



We are happy to announce that our partner ‘Binary District’ has impressive plans for hosting events in our offices this spring and summer. We will keep you updated with course but please keep an eye on our website for these upcoming meetups, workshops and other events.

Our partnership with Binary District will strengthen and inspire our community, with our shared goal of making Blockchain technology more accessible for everyone in a space where experts can connect.

On the 9th of April, Primalbase Berlin hosted an event for the Waves Platform uniting specialists from the Blockchain sector in Berlin and abroad. During this meetup they focused on the business side of blockchain technology and it was great to see the office filled with people exchanging knowledge and connecting with each other. This meetup was just one from the series of events taking place in the brand-new Berlin office.

Waves Platform meetup at Primalbase Berlin
Waves Platform meetup at Primalbase Berlin

Weekly Chat

Many of you may have noticed that we have a new time slot for our weekly Telegram channel chat — 3pm to 4pm CET. This time is more convenient for our communities located in different time zones around the world. Starting from May we will collect and process all content every week after the chat session in a post on our Medium channel so it will be easily accessible for people who can’t participate in our live chat. Make sure you join our weekly Telegram chat to stay updated regarding Primalbase news and engage with our team members.


We are still looking for talents to join our team at Primalbase Headquarters in Amsterdam. If you recognise yourself in one of the job descriptions below, please send an application to

  • Marketing — Marketing Associate
  • Operations & Events Intern — From beginning of July (Amsterdam)

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Read our previous reports here.



Primalbase Team

Combining blockchain technology with coworking to create the world’s most forward-thinking workspace.