Primalbase August Report

Primalbase Team
Published in
6 min readSep 10, 2018

Moving on up!

August was all about building over at Primalbase. We really buckled down and focused on growing the community, the team and — most importantly — our network of shared office spaces!

First off, our London office is finally approaching completion after its long journey. More info on that, as well as an exciting announcement, later in this report. With London on track, Amsterdam and Berlin thriving, and our location in New York nearly signed for, we are well on course to meet our target of having five offices open before the end of the year.

With the summer holidays in full flow, we also took advantage of a bit of quiet in the office and carried out more research into our community. We have been busy getting your feedback so we can ensure our workspaces provide the best possible experience for our members. We also expanded our social network outreach, providing you with even more avenues to keep in touch. Be sure to join our Telegram chat, where we discuss all things blockchain and announce all our latest developments as they happen.


Primalbase AMS

August was a relatively calm month at the Primalbase Amsterdam office. This allowed us to do a bit of research around what we could be doing better, reaching out to token holders and tenants to gauge their overall impression of Primalbase so far.

Using these insights, combined with our intern Cyril’s findings from his own research, we have put our heads together to think of new ways to improve the Primalbase experience for our community members. More info about this to come, so stay tuned!

Furthermore, as mentioned earlier in this report, the Primalbase Amsterdam office has seen a new face on its premises. Aisling, our new community manager, is based there so make sure to say hi to her when visiting Primalbase Amsterdam!

Lastly, the 4 PBT office has been occupied regularly by our token holders — good stuff! Here’s a friendly reminder for our token holders with 4 PBT or more that the 4 PBT office in Amsterdam remains available to you. Please contact us at if you would like to reserve it!

Primalbase BER

Compared to July, August has been a quieter month in the Berlin office. This has given us time to prepare for the new ‘season’, when everybody will return from their holidays and get back to work.

First off, we completed some final electric work and implemented more fire safety measures. We have also been updating and fine-tuning our documents and processes to ensure our tenants and token holders enjoy the most seamless experience possible working in our space.

Our July events also brought a lot of inspiring new faces into the office — many of whom requested an office tour with an eye to purchasing a token or renting an office. This led to a parade of fascinating people passing through the office in August, with people sharing their feedback regarding the look and feel of the space — particularly the stunning view over the city. Hopefully we will see them join our growing community on a more permanent basis. If you’d like to arrange a visit, get in touch via the email in the final paragraph of this section.

Remember to also keep an eye on the Binary District events calendar for more cool meetups and workshops coming up in Berlin and the other Primalbase offices. They’re a great opportunity to see the space and learn about all the latest developments in tech from experts at the top of their field.

Lastly, a reminder that our token holders with 4 PBT or more are also welcome to come and use our 4 PBT office. If you would like to make a reservation, please contact us at and let us know!

Primalbase LDN

And now to London, for the news we’ve all been waiting for. August was an extremely busy period in the London office, as we started construction at CityPoint. We also confirmed furniture orders and finalised the special touches we want in the office to make sure it reflects the City of London.

Finally, we are thrilled to announce that the launch of the Primalbase LDN office will take place on Thursday 4 October! It will be a full evening, with talks and discussion from the best in tech, as well as the usual champagne and celebrations. Stay tuned to our Medium and other social channels for more information. Spaces are limited so be sure to RSVP for the grand opening as soon as possible.

Primalbase NYC

Our NYC Office is nearly there. In August, Simone, our Business Development Manager visited the sites, met with contractors and interviewed potential Operations Managers. She also carried out a final review of the contracts. Watch this space!

Primalbase SGP

On the other side of the world, Singapore is also making progress. We have established a useful local contact in the region and are working on ideal location, properties, legal workings and administrative processes.


August was an extremely busy month on the development side, and we have been actively working on polishing frontend and backend parts of Primalbase 2.0 with leasing functionality including payments, token depositing, writing and executing tests.

The team is going to finish off major tasks related to security, align with operational parts and test it in September to start preparing a stable beta release. The release date will be announced later. As always, creating new technology is naturally going to come with its own challenges, and working through issues and trailing periods comes with its own set of unique problems. We greatly appreciate your patience while we iron these out over the coming period.


Upcoming events

After a hectic July, August was a quiet month for events, with many in our community enjoying the raging sunshine or on their holidays. However, our events partner Binary District has a number of workshops, conferences and seminars coming up for you to get excited about.

First up, following the fantastic ‘Off the chain’ master workshop earlier in the year, we’re looking forward to the second in Binary District’s series of Master Workshops focused on solving the scalability issues in blockchain.

‘Master Workshop: Layer I Solutions’ is a 2-day event taking place in Amsterdam on the 16–18 of November. This time it focus on Layer 1 on-chain solutions. Thought leaders in the field will come together to discuss proof of stake algorithms, key aggregation, two-tiered network systems and many other new consensus & blockchain protocols that are currently being explored to solve the TPS bottleneck.

Anyone who was at the first of these workshops earlier in the year will understand the anticipation that will greet experts working together again to resolve such an important issue, so make sure to register early to reserve your place.

We’ve also got ‘GovTech: Who’s in power?’ — a 1-day conference, which will take place in our Primalbase London office later in the year. This event will bring together leading innovators from public agencies, tech suppliers to the public sector and other disruptive startups operating at forefront of the GovTech space (local and international). They will discuss the evolution of the GovTech ecosystem, explore models for integration, and foster better collaboration between public and private sectors. Stay tuned for dates.


We are still looking for talented people to join our team at Primalbase. If you recognise yourself in one of the job descriptions below and would like to receive more information, please send an application to or visit our website.


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Primalbase Team

Combining blockchain technology with coworking to create the world’s most forward-thinking workspace.